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September 22, 2016
By Dr.J / Jerry Marzinsky BA M.Ed.


​In Part V we discuss:

  • Content of the Voices

  • Energy Drain

  • Hallucinations versus Schizophrenic Voices

  • Punishing Investigators

  • The Vulnerable Ones

  • Mental Disorders and Genetic Predisposition

  • Another Point of View

  • The Non-Vulnerable Ones

  • Changing from Vulnerable to Non-Vulnerable

  • Conditions and Genetics

  • Mental Habits that have a Negative Effect

















There are many reasons some people are more vulnerable to psychosis than others, some of which defy conventional thought.  In order to clarify these, one must first understand the content of the voices schizophrenics hear and the devastating affect they have on these patients. 

Content of the Voices

In Parts I through IV of this series, we pointed out that academia has not done a single study on the content of the voices schizophrenics hear.  

The longer one studies schizophrenic voices, the more evident it becomes that everything the voices say and recommend to the patient is designed to produce as much turmoil and negative emotion as possible through the mechanisms of guilt, shame, fear, anger and any other type of negative thinking they can insert or trigger.  

I’ve had patients tell me that the voices go into their memories and bring up horrible, guilt-ridden behavior from their past that they had long forgotten about and then the voices rub that behavior in their faces repeatedly.  Without question, the content of schizophrenic voices demonstrates an itinerary that clearly points to the fact that there is some force that holds them on a consistent negative path that does not vary.  

Energy Drain 

When the voices have stirred up a frenzy of negative thought in a patient, to the point that their anxiety levels reach an intense fever pitch, then the patient’s energy is drained off by the voices (see Part IV), leaving these people depressed and hopeless with barely enough physical energy to feed themselves and survive.  It is yet to be understood how the voices actually siphon energy from patients. 

Hundreds of schizophrenic patients have said that there is a one-to-one correspondence between the appearance of their voices and feeling completely drained after an attack.  Many have reported they can even feel their energy leaving when the voices appear and start screaming at them.  In numerous cases, the energy depletion is so severe the patient can hardly get out of bed. 

A statistical analysis run of a large collection of such scales where patients marked off the numerical values of how much energy they felt they had before the voices attacked and how much they had after they left proved statistically significant.  

The acute negativity and hopelessness generated by what these voices tell these patients and the extreme state of negative emotion they generate is reflected in the tremendously elevated suicide rate of schizophrenic patients in comparison to the general population.  

The key to finding a cure for this dread condition rests in studying and understanding one of its key symptoms: the voices.  

Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist who had worked in a California state hospital and one of the few clinicians who has actually studied and experimented with schizophrenic voices in depth concluded, “When the voices leave, so does the schizophrenia.” 

Hallucinations versus Schizophrenic Voices

If academia had studied the content of the voices they would know these voices are not hallucinations and would not dismiss them as such.  Let’s hope they come to their senses soon. 

Hallucinations don’t run fixed and consistent patterns.  They are random; they can be negative, positive, neutral and usually completely nonsensical.







































​​Where hallucinations are unpredictable as shown above, the voices schizophrenics hear are true to form negative and derogatory.  In other words, the voices stick to a reliable blueprint from patient to patient regardless of home setting or institution type or geographical location.















​Like a bullet fired from a gun, the voices schizophrenics hear have a course and trajectory as set as the forces that hold a bullet on its path to a target.  The path a bullet takes after it is pointed and fired at its target is not random.  Likewise, the content and intent of the voices schizophrenics experience are not random, and unless academia wants to change its definition, these are not hallucinations.  Ask any schizophrenic about the content of their voices and they will tell you the same thing as described above.  They can’t all be lying nationwide and worldwide.  

To the patients, their voices are real and to anyone curious enough to study the voices, they will see evidence that tends to agree that there is more to this than currently hypothesized.

























​Punishing Investigators 

We know the conventional medical establishment tells patients, families and the public that the reason for schizophrenia has to do with a chemical imbalance in the brain when admittedly they have no proof and do not know what causes schizophrenia.  With blindfolds on, mainstream academia rejects anything outside of their standard textbooks.  In their view, anyone who seeks the real cause or effective treatment needs to be punished.  

The case of Dr. Irmak, an esteemed professor and researcher in Turkey is a good example of such punishment.  After publishing a paper in a professional journal stating that he repeatedly witnessed several cases of schizophrenia being cured by non-traditional methods, he was savagely attacked by colleagues in the medical establishment while the journal that published his work was lambasted for publishing this information. 

One is left to believe that they don’t want to see any cures as it would threaten their profits.  It seems to me that discovering what the voices are and how to eliminate them from a person’s life rather than simply masking their symptoms temporarily with toxic drugs is more valuable to the patient and society than increasing sales for the medical and pharmaceutical industries.  


Here take these expensive medications for the rest of your life and your hallucinations will subside.  



















​​The Vulnerable Ones 

A great majority of my schizophrenic patients had been severely emotionally, physically or sexually abused which forged a mind set of negativity, fear, guilt, shame, self-hatred and distrust.  Once a negative self-concept is created the person seeks out information that supports and maintains that negative self-perception looking for evidence that supports it.  




















Such a negative self-image generates a massive amount of negative emotional energy, especially in children.  From what my schizophrenic patients have revealed, the voices hate children.  Many struggle against doing harm to their children and often fail.  A great number of patients who were reared in homes with a schizophrenic parent suffered extreme abuse at the hands of that parent who told them the same kind of abusive things the voices were telling the parent.  

Schizophrenic parents often despise and neglect their children, males much more frequently than females who often struggle with a strong maternal instinct to protect the child.  Psychotic parents instill in the minds of their children that they are worthless, useless, a burden, that nobody loves them and they are unlovable.  By the time these children become teens they are often horribly disturbed, get in trouble in school and with the authorities.  The more trouble they get into, the more negative emotional energy is generated.  

In order to pacify these unrelenting negative emotions, many of these youth turn to drugs to self-medicate which is akin to pouring gasoline on a fire in an attempt to put it out.  Unfortunately, many turn to meth which cracks them wide open for infestation by the voices.  I’ve seen scores of prisoners who have turned to meth to temporarily feel better only to end up starting to hear voices.  They think they are temporary hallucinations as they disappear when they come down until one day they don’t.  From that point on the voices don’t go away and begin tormenting them 24 hours a day.  They then hear these horrible voices even when not on drugs.  They are now psychotic, often for the rest of their lives.  Amphetamine is an extremely dangerous drug and causes more people to go psychotic than virtually any other drug floating around the streets, that we know of today. 

And so it goes from generation to generation.  This assures a future generation of negative emotion generators upon which these psychic vampires can feed.  If they can get these children addicted then direct them to commit a crime for which society will imprison them, its easy going for them.  They do not have to work to instill a negative emotional state; the prison environment does it for them.  All they have to do is show up to drain their victims. 

Mental Disorders and Genetic Predisposition 

Traditional mental health authorities and academics describe a significant correlation between parents suffering from schizophrenia and their children later developing this same condition.  I do not deny these correlations exist.  However I do question their conclusion.  Medical authorities fill their journals with articles reporting this correlation as “due to a genetic predisposition.”  

Over many years of searching to find evidence for this belief, they have not found a single gene to prove these things genetically predispose the children of schizophrenics to develop this state of mind.  Correlation does not constitute causation. Some studies have shown that some factors which correlate to a happening are illogical and make no rational sense, yet the correlation inexplicably exists.  

After studying the voices schizophrenics hear for over 35 years, and interviewing many hundreds of these patients, their families and children, I submit a notion that even I would have considered ridiculous thirty five years ago had I not actually seen and experienced for myself what I’ve been describing.  

I submit that the vulnerability of children raised in families with schizophrenic parents is not due to a genetic predisposition.  The condition is primarily due to the action of the voices which creates a replica of the same horrible negative emotional state in the child that exists in the schizophrenic parent which these voices then mysteriously siphon off leaving the child or teen drained of energy.  Once they have the child generating a similar level of negative emotion as the parent, they then have another source of negative energy on which they can feed for another generation.  

In clinical practice, when an untreated schizophrenic parent came into the ER, I did everything in my power to get them into treatment and inform CPS (Child Protective Services) of any abuse unearthed.  These children were in dire danger.



















​Another Point of View

I’ve had many conversations with Sherry Swiney, a retired civil engineer, researcher and member of my writing team, whom I’ve come to know and admire over the past twenty years.  As a young woman she was plagued by the voices and found a way on her own without drugs or medical assistance to eliminate them from her life.  She’s written articles about this, some of which are linked in this article. 

Sherry has opened my eyes to areas of science, biology, ancient spiritual awareness and healing techniques, and in general the workings of the mind/body/spirit connections that unfortunately standard academia doesn’t teach.  Perhaps they don’t know or maybe they don’t want to know the most current breakthroughs in peer-reviewed science and genetics, who knows? 

Her life experiences and thirst for knowledge have led her to concur that the voices these patients hear are not inherited but originate from a very different source.  With that said, I’d like to turn the remainder of this article over to Sherry who is more than qualified to write about these things.  She will go into more detail about the potential of genetic pre-disposition and what one thing being correlated to another actually means.  It is my hope that her work is helpful to those who wish to dig a little deeper into this remarkably enigmatic topic.  Once a root cause is known, healing is possible. 

The Non-Vulnerable Ones 

It would be safe to say that people who endure horrific childhood abuse are the most vulnerable to hearing schizophrenic voices.  There is a correlation between severe abuse and schizophrenia but that does not mean that abuse is the cause.  

A correlation points to an association, a connection, and a place to start looking to try to determine causation.  As you will see below there are a number of times science has formulated a hypothesis based solely on a correlation, only to find out later that the hypothesis was incorrect. 

Before going further, let me firmly stress that not all abused children become schizophrenic. 

Likewise, not all children who grow up in a “normal” family setting are immune to this condition. 

So what separates the vulnerable from the non-vulnerable in the area of hearing negative voices?  The truth is WE ALL HEAR THEM from time to time, not in the form of actual voices like schizophrenics hear but in the form of intrusive thoughts we would never think of ourselves.  If we are self-aware, we know these thoughts are not true and do not belong to us. 

They are different from normal every day self-talk.  They are in the form of a sudden negative thought, the kind that would cause most people to stop in their tracks or at least wonder: “Where did that come from?  I would never think such a thing much less do such a thing!” 

You wake up one morning feeling fine and bam!  A negative thought pops in out of the blue that has no relation to anything you are feeling or thinking.  You shrug it off – “not going to go there” – and go about your day. 

You are driving down the highway minding your own business on your way to see an old friend, attend a meeting, go shopping – whatever – when suddenly you think to your self, “I wonder what would happen if I drove into the on-coming traffic.”  You shake your head and think: “Do what?”  You instantly recognize this as a dangerous nonsense thought but where did that nonsense thought come from?  Certainly not from your mind as you would never entertain such a stupid thing. 

These are just a few examples.  You are not vulnerable because YOU would never entertain something like this – but the vulnerable might and the consequences would be tragic for them and other innocent people. 

So what’s the difference? 

The difference is how we react to those negative voices, thoughts or notions that just pop in from nowhere.




































A person is not vulnerable to the negative thoughts and voices when they have self-esteem, self-love, and integrity.  In addition to the poor souls that suffer schizophrenia, a person can live devoid of self-sustaining positive traits for many other, seemingly benign, reasons.  Here are just a few: 

  1. They were not taught a positive self-concept in the family or school environment.

  2. They were not taught to think for themselves in school or family settings (they were trained to be “other-directed”).

  3. Their feelings and ideas were ignored in childhood and considered nonsense… or they were demeaned by a strict children-should-be-seen-and-not-heard rhetoric.

  4. Their lives were not nurtured.

  5. Their parents yelled and argued a lot.

  6. Their parents divorced and they felt abandoned or were told they were abandoned.

  7. Their parents were never home because they were always at work or traveling.

  8. They felt they could never live up to their parent’s expectations.

  9. They were bullied or teased as children and no one stood up for them.

  10. They learned it was safer to lie than be truthful.

  11. They learned their lessons by observing others around them.

  12. They were not considered as little people.  They were just kids.
















Changing From Vulnerable to Non-Vulnerable 

Is it possible for people to change how they think of themselves and thus how they deal with the negative thoughts and voices? 

The short answer is yes….in most cases.  Few people can do this on their own (though it is not unheard of) so most people do need help, if they are willing to get serious about becoming someone new – like becoming themselves for the first time in their life. 

The long answer is beyond the scope of this article and will be covered in another article.  I will say that from my own experience, changing how the mind has been thinking for your entire life takes work and from my research has nothing to do with inherited DNA. 


















Conditions and Genetics 

To think that physical and mental conditions are innately inherited is old science, perpetuating an old hypothesis based on correlation and genetic pre-disposition that has been proven to be incorrect.  

Fatalistic ideas of the past such as those listed below have implanted learned helplessness in people which now needs to be unlearned: 

There’s no hope.
It’s inherited and there’s nothing I can do about that.
It’s in the genes!
I am doomed!


The good news is we now know it is not in the genes.

Years of research over the past decades in something called epigenetics shows us that genes do not dictate a condition.  We now know that the old adage that conditions are inherited is blatantly false.

Epi means outside and genetics means genes, so epigenetics means outside the genes.  Something outside the genes contributes to the underlying cause of a condition.  Difficult as it may be to grasp, there is a biology of perception and a biology of belief which is truly a life-changing advancement in our understanding of genes.  It is very interesting to find that perception and belief are the two main things attacked by the voices and conventional academe.  Is there a correlation here?

In a study published in late 2011, Stanford University found that an inherited difference cannot be explained by variations in genes themselves; scientists now know that genes are not the only authors of inheritance.  

Mental Habits that have a Negative Effect















For now, please note:  Depression is often considered a precursor to a person developing schizophrenia.  Standard medical providers and psychiatric systems attribute a chemical imbalance to depression, fixable with pharmaceutical drugs similar to the way the schizophrenic voices are chemically suppressed.  They mistakenly believe that tranquilizing people fixes the problem.  It doesn’t. 

“The truth is that through decades of research, there has never been a ‘cause’ of depression that can be associated to a physiological condition.  That being said, there are common precursors for depression that we are all susceptible to, and they have nothing to do with chemicals in our brains.  They are little things that we all do every day that opens the door to the most common symptoms of depression.  On the surface, they seem simple enough but have an accumulative effect over time.  Before you attribute any signs of depression to something being wrong with your brain, pay attention to these 6 bad mental habits that can make you more vulnerable to the effects of depression.”  



























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