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Jerry Marzinsky BA M.Ed – Prior to retirement, Jerry was a licensed psychotherapist.  He has over 35 years of experience working with schizophrenic and other psychiatric patients in state hospitals, state prisons, and hospital emergency rooms.  In 2023 he became a certified MACE practitioner


Jerry’s formal academic training comprises a B.A. in Psychology from Temple University, a Master’s Degree in Counseling from the University of Georgia, and two years of study in a Ph.D. Psychology program. 


He held the positions of 2nd Lt. Arizona Civil Air Patrol and Assistant Scout Master.  He is a licensed commercial pilot and certified SCUBA diver since 1972.  In his spare time, he flies glider planes and enjoys cross-country motorcycle trips with friends.  He is an avid explorer of nature, non-physical phenomena, and spiritual development.  He enjoys travel, hiking, camping, welding, writing, shooting, gardening, and DIY Projects.


Summary of Experience:


Year                Position


1968 – 1969    Barrington College, Barrington, Rhode Island.  Major: Psychology; Minor:  Sociology.


1969 – 1972   Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Major:  Psychology; Minor: Sociology/Criminology; Graduated on Deans List; B.A. Psychology.


1973 – 1974   University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.  Graduated with a Masters Degree in Rehabilitation Counseling. Emphasis Criminology.  Graduated in top ten percent of class.


1975 – 1979    Psychiatric Rehabilitation Counselor Senior – Team Leader.  Yarbrough Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia.  Team Leader for a thirty-two bed female unit with clients consisting of alcoholics, substance abusers, psychiatric and probationary populations.  Responsible for coordinating in-patient rehabilitation services for the southern twenty-three counties in the state of Georgia.  Managed over $10,000 in caseload funding yearly.  Case management and documentation.  Crisis intervention.  Group, family, vocational and individual counseling.  Provision of feedback to psychiatric and medical staff.  Developed alcohol and substance abuse programs.  Treatment planning.  Suicide Evaluation.  Intake interviewing, screening, diagnosis, evaluation, training placement, discharge planning and follow-up.  Development of and administration of a substance abuse education-training program for teachers.  Supervised and coordinated activities and training for a six county vocational training center for mentally retarded or psychiatrically impaired clients.


1979 – 1980    Senior Vocational Rehabilitation Evaluator.  Yarbrough Psychiatric Rehabilitation Center, Central State Hospital, Milledgeville, Georgia.  Comprehensive evaluation of alcoholic, substance abusing, psychiatric and prison populations for vocational potential and job training. Conducted psychometric, vocational and physical capacity testing.  Administered, scored and interpreted over thirty achievement, interest, psychometric tests and vocational inventories.  Compiled comprehensive reports on client vocational inadequacies, disabilities and potential.  Assisted clients in re-orienting towards vocational goals more realistically suited to their physical and psychological impairments and psychotropic medications.  Determined the effect of psychotropic medications on vocational functioning. Compiled detailed social and psychiatric histories.  Trained new personnel in psychometric and vocational testing.  In addition: Evaluation of mentally ill prisoners with regard to placement at hospital work stations.  Compiled reports for community probation officers.  Supervision of a work group at the Work Evaluation Training Center.  Construction of behavior modification programs, Central State Hospital Work Evaluation and Training Center.


1980 – 1982    Teaching Assistant / Practicum Supervisor.  University of Iowa’s Substance Abuse Counselor Training Program, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa.  University of Iowa, Ph.D. Counseling Psychology Program. Completed thirty-two semester hours in Counseling Psychology including statistical and research core requirements. Completed two supervised practicums, University of Iowa Counseling Center.    Directly supervised and closely worked with sixteen graduate student substance abuse counseling students.  Practicum Supervisor.  Instructed addictive processes.  Taught relapse prevention strategies.  Evaluated and reported on graduate student progress.  Visited and consulted with substance abuse treatment practicum sites throughout the state.  Co-leader student counseling groups.  Assisted with program research.  Utilized IBM 370 computer for statistical analysis.   Withdrew from program after two years with a 3.30/4.00 G.P.A.


1982 – 1983    Mental Health Specialist, Department of Psychiatry, Behavioral Health Unit, Kino Community Hospital, Emergency Room.  Worked in Kino Hospital E.R. dealing exclusively with the evaluation and management of crisis psychiatric and substance abuse cases.  Assessed, managed and triaged acute psychiatric patients referred to the E.R. by community agencies or brought in by the police.  Determination of suicide risk.  Triaged patients for inpatient or release to outpatient treatment.  Initiated commitment proceedings on patients deemed a danger to self or others.  Provided psychiatric consultation to medical / psychiatric staff.  Referral of psychiatric patients to a variety of community agencies for follow-up and treatment.  Served as liaison and consultant to county jail, county Sheriff and D.P.S.  Interviewed, assessed and compiled social and psychiatric histories on all admitted patients.  Prepared comprehensive mental status reports for psychiatry.  Collected, prepared and input psychiatric patient data into hospital computer system.


1982 – 1983    Volunteer Group Therapist, Department of Economic Security, Parents United Child Sexual Abuse Treatment Program, P.O. Box 17009, Tucson Arizona.  Volunteer.  Individual, family and group counseling.  Interviewing.  Administration of psychometric tests.  Compiled psychological reports for court psychologist.  Evaluation of severity of adolescent alcohol and substance abuse problems. Developed behavior modification programs for juveniles.


1983 – 1985    Alcohol / Substance Abuse Clinician, La Frontera Mental Health Center, Substance Abuse Division, East Clinic, Tucson.  Developed, implemented and managed the East Clinic Alcohol and Substance Abuse Treatment program. Supervised a large caseload of community based poly substance abusers.  Conducted interviews, evaluated, screened and diagnosed new clients.  Specialized in working with dually diagnosed community populations.  Coordinated with community agencies including city, county and federal probation and parole officers.  Coordinated patient care with numerous Tucson community mental health and substance abuse agencies.


1985 – 1986    Psychology Associate I, Psychology Department, Arizona State Prison, Tucson.  Developed and managed mental health and substance abuse programs for inmates.  Participated in Management Development Training Program, Arizona State University.  Compiled risk assessments for administration.  Administered, scored and interpreted vocational, personality, intelligence and aptitude tests.  Supervised five Psychology Inmate Clerks working developing new programs for inmates.  Many duties similar to Psychology Associate II (1986-1997).


1986 – 1997    Psychology Associate II, Adult Services Division, Psychology Department, Arizona State Prison Complex, Tucson, Arizona.  Design, development and implementation of measurable, efficient, large-scale computer assisted substance abuse and psycho-educational programs, including Anger Management, Drug Education, Alcohol Education, Parenting, Co-Dependency, Stress Management, Family Relations, Communications and AIDS Education.  Set up and programmed computers for automated program testing, scoring and data banking of inmate scores.  Researched and evaluated program effectiveness of this new method of disseminating massive amounts of program information to resistant inmate program participants.  Trained other state correctional system personnel in the use, operation and implementation of large scale, measurable computer assisted substance abuse and psycho-educational programming.  Conducted training seminars at institutions state wide in the use of diverse computer assisted programs.  Provided technical assistance and consultation on computer assisted and other programs and advised administration and policy makers of progress.  Designed, implemented and coordinated program updates and changes.  Produced curriculums for Computer Assisted program formats.  Experimented with techniques for combining video and audio program presentations with Computer Assisted verification.  Coordinated inmate release planning with community agencies.  Implemented and trained staff in the use of computer assisted alcohol and substance abuse programs at A.D.C. and female D.W.I. prisons.  Served as Volunteer Coordinator for all community volunteer programs operating within the prison complex.  Liaison for all A.A. and N.A. volunteers operating on the complex.  On an ongoing basis, ran substance abuse treatment groups. 


1995 – 1996    Instructor, Pima Community College, Psychology Department.  Pima Community College, East Campus / Main Campus, part time.  Instructed Abnormal Psychology and Intermediate Psychology Courses for undergraduate psychology students.


1997 – 2005    Psychology Associate II, Department of Health Services, Arizona State Prison Complex, Tucson, Arizona.  Oversight of provision of all psychology services to seriously mentally ill, unstable, dually diagnosed felons in large high custody prison units.  Evaluation of the effect of inmate adjustment to psychotropic medications.  Determination of inmate mental status including severity of depression, suicide potential, assault potential, psychosis, bipolar illness, alcoholism, and complications of substance abuse withdrawal.  Crisis intervention including placement of inmates on suicide watches.  Triage of dangerous or psychotic prisoners.  Formulation of treatment planning and assessment of inmates for program placement.  Worked in close liaison with psychiatric treatment team including psychiatry, medical doctors, nursing and security.  Assisted in release planning.  Instructed staff in the proper and secure operation of psycho-educational/ substance abuse program labs.  Reviewed videos of security take downs of mentally ill patients and reported on unnecessary use of force.  Instructed in-service training for correctional staff on mental illness, and suicide prevention.  Awarded State of Arizona Meritorious Service Award for program development.


2005 – 2005    PRN Group Therapist for the Mark Intensive Outpatient Substance Abuse Program, Sonora Behavioral Hospital, 6050 Corona, N.W. Hospital Complex, Tucson, Arizona.  PRN Substance abuse therapist for Sonora, Mark Substance Abuse treatment program in absence of director. Served as PRN substance abuse group therapist for the Mark Alcohol and Drug Intensive twelve step based Outpatient Treatment Program at Sonora Hospital.


2005 – 2006    Psychiatric Evaluator, Sonora Behavioral Health Hospital, 6050 Corona, Tucson, Arizona.  Psych –Same job tasks as listed for Kino Emergency Department however carried out in emergency rooms at Northwest, Oro Valley, El Dorado, T.M.C. and Tucson Heart Hospitals.  PRN psychiatric evaluation services for hospital emergency rooms throughout Tucson and Oro Valley. 


2006 – 2006    Clinician, Spectrum Behavioral Health Services, Therapeutic Community, Arizona State Prison, Tucson.  Assisted with the setup and implementation of a therapeutic community for the intensive treatment of chronic substance abusing prisoners.  Completed psychiatric and substance abuse evaluations of incarcerated felons.  Intensive group and individual counseling centered on substance abuse recovery and disruption of criminal thinking.  Close coordination with prison, mental health and security staff.  Ongoing determination of inmate danger to self or others.  Coordination of admission to psychiatric inpatient treatment.


2006 – 2010    Behavioral Health Clinician / Psychiatric Evaluator, University Physicians, Kino Hospital, Emergency Department, Tucson, Arizona.  Psych, Crisis management, determination of mental status, writing of psycho-social reports and formulation of placement for psychiatric patients in crisis in the emergency room.  Determination of danger to self or others and implementation of involuntarily petitions for DTO/DTS patients refusing inpatient psychiatric treatment.  Coordination with psychiatry to revoke court orders for potentially dangerous psychiatric patients non-compliant with treatment.  Review of mental status examinations with E.R. doctors and psychiatrists prior to disposition, placement or admission to a psychiatric unit.  Coordination of admission to inpatient psychiatric units.  Consultation and Coordination with psychiatrists and other E.R. medical staff prior to patient placement on behavioral health units.  Provision of clinical information to both psychiatric units and insurance companies for authorization of inpatient psychiatric treatment.  Release planning and coordination of placement and follow-up for psychiatric patients not being admitted but requiring outpatient placement in the community.  Coordination of admission for psychiatric patients requiring medical care to hospital units.  Arrangement of mental health placement and follow up of for psychiatric patients being released from the E.R. into the community.


2010 – 2014    Behavioral Health Social Service Evaluator, Tucson Medical Center Emergency Department, Tucson, Arizona.  Responsibilities similar to Kino Hospital E.R. position (2006 – 2010).



  • Licensed Professional Counselor, granted by the Arizona Board of Behavioral Health Examiners, State of Arizona.

  • Arizona Department of Corrections Meritorious service award, 1986, for pioneering the development and implementation of measurable, cheat-proof, fully automated Computer Assisted Large Scale Substance Abuse and Clinical Education Programs for large inmate populations.  Operational throughout the Arizona Department of Corrections, Nevada Department of Prisons, Utah Department of Corrections and Jail system and Tennessee Department of Corrections. 

  • Pima Community College Apple Award, for excellence in teaching, 1996.

  • Warden’s Unit Citation, Cimarron Prison, for performance beyond the call of duty, 1986.

  • American Jails Magazine; published two journal articles on the use of Computer Assisted Substance Abuse Programs in Jails, 1997.

  • Arizona Fitness Magazine Publication.  Published article on “Little Known Facts about Alcohol,” 1990.

  • Penal Lexicon, United Kingdom.  Published article on “Why Substance Abuse Treatment Programs are Failing within Prisons,” 2001.

  • Licensed Commercial Pilot

  • Certified SCUBA diver




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