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Writer's pictureJerry Marzinsky


by Jerry Marzinsky

July 8, 2021



Below is a list of predictable patterns the voices run, but first a short narrative for those who are hearing this for the first time:

We are taught from birth that all thoughts we experience belong to us. This assumption is not true. The establishment has not addressed the question of where thoughts originate. The cure for schizophrenia, which the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared to be one of the top ten health problems on the planet, will not be found until this question is addressed.

Psychiatry, the medical establishment, and big pharma have proclaimed that the most significant symptom of paranoid schizophrenia, the voices these individuals hear, are unreal hallucinations. They assume this without having done a single scientific study or even a survey to substantiate their position. Any patient who attempts to inform them otherwise is labeled insane and drugged semi-conscious with some of the most dangerous drugs used in medicine today. Few psychiatrists take the time to fully inform their patients of the deleterious side effects of these drugs or the fact that almost 60% of people placed on these neuroleptic drugs for an extended period will suffer irreversible neurological and permanent brain damage.

After studying the voices schizophrenics experience in a number of different psychiatric settings over more than 35 years, and interviewing hundreds of schizophrenics, it has become clear that these voices are not random or meaningless word salad. They speak in full coherent sentences with an intent that is inconsistent with that of their victim. Unlike all other hallucinations, the psychotic voices run a series of unswerving, predictable, and repeatable patterns which are inconsistent with the definition of a hallucination.

These patterns will become self-evident to anyone willing to set aside the establishment’s propaganda and take the time to speak to and listen to what schizophrenics have to say about the voices they experience. These destructive patterns appear to be universal. It's as if they were all made from the same cookie-cutter. The messages the voices impart to their victims are the same for the patients I worked with at a large state hospital in Georgia as they were in a different psychiatric setting some 2500 miles away in Arizona. The following is a listing of the common patterns these voices run. Any phenomena that run predictable, repeatable patterns ARE NOT HALLUCINATIONS. Hallucinations are random; they do not run fixed, unyielding patterns. The question is what is the force that confines, directs, and holds these voices to this series of destructive patterns?

1. NEGATIVITY: The most common and consistent trait of schizophrenic voices is that they are consistently negative, derogatory, insulting, abusive, and destructive. Although they may seem to be positive helpers for short periods they invariably turn on their victims once they gain their trust and begin attacking and telling them awful things about themselves and others.

2. ANTI-RELIGIOUS: The voices are consistently anti-religious. They resist their victim attending church, reading the Bible, or following any other positive spiritual path. They become volatile if the patient repeats the 23rd Psalm, the Lord’s Prayer, or other positive spiritual verses. One patient reported the voices reacted to the repetition of the 23rd Psalm like worms thrown onto a hot frying pan.

3. FOSTER AND CREATE NEGATIVE EMOTION: The voices consistently work toward the creation of a prolonged negative emotional state in their victims including anger, anxiety, paranoia, guilt, and shame. They do this through the insertion of negative thoughts about themselves and others into the thought stream of their victims or telling them to do things that will get them in trouble with others.

4. ENERGETICALLY DRAIN VICTIMS: After the voices attack, schizophrenics commonly report being severely energetically drained. After these attacks, victims report feeling as tired and lethargic as if they have been digging ditches in the hot sun all day. This is despite the fact that they had not done any significant physical work. Several patients reported they could feel their energy being drained during these attacks.

5. THEY GET LOUDER AFTER SUNSET: The voices consistently get louder and more prolonged after sunset becoming most intense between 3 am and 4 am in the morning.

6. THE VOICES GET LOUDER WHEN IGNORED: One of psychiatry’s common recommendations to their patients is to ignore the voices they hear. If they were to take the time to follow up with their own recommendations, their patients would make it clear that when any attempt is made to ignore the voices they get louder.

7. FOSTER SELF-DESTRUCTIVE BEHAVIOR: The voices consistently advise their victim to behave in self-destructive ways that increase conflict, turmoil, and suffering. They sabotage any positive movement on the part of the patient. The intent of the voices is very different from the intent of their victims for themselves.

8. FOSTER ISOLATION: One of their goals is to destroy marriages and positive relationships with friends and others. The ultimate aim of the voices is to get the victim to shut out all others and isolate themselves to eliminate any interference from others who attempt to help the victim. They isolate the victim by inserting negative, paranoid, and destructive thoughts into the individual's thought stream. These thoughts often consist of lies such as people are talking behind your back or plotting against you, or people are just pretending to care about you.

9. DEMAND THE ATTENTION OF VICTIMS: The voices constantly work toward controlling the attention of their victims to increase their control over the victim. They constantly maneuver in a myriad of ways to snag and command the attention of their victim then direct them to behave in a negative, self-defeating, destructive manner.

10. MANEUVER FOR INCREASED CONTROL OVER VICTIMS: The voices steadily battle for increasing control over the individual's mind and actions.

11. GASLIGHTING: The voices are capable of gaslighting, causing their victims to doubt their sanity through the use of psychological manipulation.

12. MANIPULATING PERCEPTION: The voices are capable of causing their victims to interpret situations and information coming in from the environment wrongly to increase negative emotion. For instance, a schizophrenic may see a police car drive by their house and the voices immediately jump in and tell the victim the police are searching for them for some fabricated up crime.

13. THEY HAVE COMPLETE ACCESS TO THE SCHIZOPHRENIC'S MEMORY: The voices have complete access to their victim’s entire memory. They utilize this ability to pull up every negative and guilt-ridden behavior the individual has ever experienced. They then rub these shameful behaviors in their faces to generate negative emotional energy on which they feed. Several patients have reported that their voices have dredged up negative things they had done decades prior and had long forgotten.

14. DEMAND THE VICTIM NOT TELL OTHERS ABOUT THEIR PRESENCE: The voices warn their victim not to speak to others about them or what they say to them, warning that if they do, others will think they are crazy and they will be shunned or locked up. If the victim has someone they trust who is willing to listen this dissipates the negative emotional state.

15. STUNNED BY SHOCK OF SNAPPING A RUBBER BAND ON WRIST: Once the voices increase in strength they dominate the thought stream of their victim, the victim must take action to disrupt this process. Putting a rubber band on the patient’s wrist and snapping it hard stuns the voices into a short temporary silence allowing space for the victim to repeat the 23rd Psalm or implement procedures designed to weaken and short-circuit the voices.

16. THE VOICES ARE CONSUMMATE LIARS AND CANNOT BE TRUSTED TO KEEP ANY BARGAIN MADE WITH THEIR VICTIM: They are masters of deceit, lies, and deception. For example, they told one psychiatric patient they had been incessantly tormenting that if he poked out an eye they would leave forever. After he had poked out an eye and disfigured himself for life they returned to laugh at him for being so stupid as to trust them. The voices will use a constant stream of deceptive and upsetting lies to manipulate the perception of their victim in a negative manner to generate negative emotional energy.

17. THE VOICES CONSISTENTLY STEER THEIR VICTIM AWAY FROM ANYTHING THAT MIGHT GENERATE JOY: They drive the victim away from any positive activity that might make them feel good about themselves. They will make the victim forget good memories and concentrate on bad ones.

18. THE VOICES CAN MANIPULATE FEELING WITHOUT SPEAKING: The voices can move in and make the victim feel bad without any noticeable cause. If they can prolong this negative state it darkens the victim’s world and incites negative thinking.

19. SHORT CIRCUITING OF REASON: The voices short circuit reason by urging a negative knee-jerk reaction to stressors or perceived slights often seriously damaging relationships. The voices jump on and take advantage of anything that goes wrong in the victim’s life to feed and inflame the situation to keep their victim focused on the negative situation.

20. BOREDOM IS BAD: If victims allow themselves to become bored, the voices will quickly move in, fill the void and destructively dominate their victim’s thought processes.

21. THE VOICES TRY TO PASS THEMSELVES OFF AS THOUGHTS BELONGING TO THE VICTIM: The voices disguise themselves as their victim’s thoughts making it difficult to identify them as an enemy. They often sound just like the thousands of thoughts that appear in the patient’s mind daily but their intent is to drive their victim in a negative direction. Many patients have asked their voices, “Who are you?” The response given is always the same: “We are you.” One of the most effective ways of ferreting out which thoughts are the victims from those inserted by the voices is for the victim to ferret out their personal intent from that of the voices. The intent of the patient for themselves is significantly different and often more positive than the intent of their voices.

22. SELECTIVE FORGETTING: The voices divert their victim’s attention away from any therapeutic activity designed to oppose and weaken the voices including forgetting to take their medications and keeping appointments.

23. FILL THE VICTIMS MIND WITH NEGATIVE THOUGHTS ABOUT SELF AND OTHERS: The voices will cause the victim to be drawn to violent movies, horror movies, murder mysteries, pornography, etc.

24. DESTRUCTION OF POSITIVE SELF CONCEPT: The voices consistently attempt to convince their victims that they are stupid, ugly, worthless, unlovable, a burden on others and that everyone would be better off if they were not around. If they succeed in this they will often move on to telling the victim to do everyone a favor and kill themselves. Schizophrenics have a suicide rate three to five times that of the general population.

25. ATTEMPT TO PULL THEIR VICTIM AWAY FROM CONSENSUAL REALITY: The voices constantly attempt to pull their victim away from consensual reality and into their negative hellish world of lies and deception. They will warp and distort the victim’s perception causing the victim to interpret situations in the most negative manner possible.

26. USE CONFUSION AS A MEANS OF INSTILLING NEGATIVE SUGGESTIONS. It can clearly be seen that the voices take advantage of the confusion to instill negative suggestions. The victim begins doubting his own ability to interpret reality. The voices are more than willing to insert theirs. The victim doesn’t like confusion and would rather latch onto the misguided information provided by the voices.

27. AVERSION TO ANYTHING POSITIVE OR BEAUTIFUL: The voices have a distinct aversion to anything positive or beautiful and drive the victim away from joy or any positive endeavor by distraction. They do not want their victim to enjoy life.


- Don’t take our word for it, check this out for yourself. Notice how similar these thoughts are to all of us, albeit to a much lesser degree.

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May 01, 2024

Question: Why do you assume that hallucinations cannot run fixed, repeatable, predictable patterns? Why wouldn't they?

I listened to your episode on The Marc Clair Show, and I can't understand how you reached certain conclusions. You went into a psychiatric facility with the assumption that hallucinations were chaotic and random, and because this assumption proved untrue, you figured that schizophrenic auditory hallucinations were actually real entities. That is a large jump to make.

I am fully ready to accept that these hallucinations ARE real entities (which is why I listened to the episode). However, the case was not presented persuasively, and your methods seem questionable.

Jun 30, 2024
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I also think he has specious evidence to support his conclusions.. but it seems he went off from psychiatric/psychological literature to form his own theories.. and they are just as valid or invalid as the others.

Actually, his working hypothesis has more credibility.. because, if the textbook definition of hallucinations is shown to be incorrect or not explaining the fact pattern of multiple patient experiences.. then the entire edifice of a psychiatric/psychological definition for the voices has to be discarded as false.

It's curious that hallucinations wouldn't be idiosyncratic, unique to individuals and with a multicultural bent positive, negative and neutral.. but rather have a characteristic commonality of deception, negativity, enslavement and ruin.. just as every human belief system and…


Jul 09, 2021

All of the above traits are the effects that the present pandemic is having on human nature at large. What a coincidence. Shows who's running the drama.

Engineering Mental Sanity - Jerry Marzinsky
Engineering Mental Sanity - Jerry Marzinsky
Aug 18, 2021
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Yep, it's the same malevolent entity.

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