"When an honest man discovers he is mistaken, he will either cease to be mistaken or cease to be honest." ~~ Anonymous
Jerry Marzinsky
Engineering Mental and Spiritual Sanity
The most effective psychotherapy I've seen for the treatment of psychological problems caused by trauma after fifty years on the front lines of mental health is the Mace Energy Method. It permanently dissolves buried trauma in an hour or less. For more information go to: https://www.bitchute.com/video/V0R6JHX4mVPC
To sign up for a session click on the Online Consultation link below.
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Psychiatry maintains the voices schizophrenics hear are meaningless auditory hallucinations caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain. Clinical investigation into the matter reveals this to be a false claim. Dr. Wilson Van Dusen, a clinical psychologist and author of "The Presence of Spirits in Madness" began holding coherent conversations with the voices of his schizophrenic patients decades ago. He discovered they precisely matched what Christian Mystic Emanuel Swedenborg described as evil spirits. Following up with scores of investigative interviews with his schizophrenic patients, Jerry Marzinsky, a psychiatric evaluator, verified Van Dusen's astonishing conclusion: the voices are real. They are conscious, parasitic entities.
UPDATE October 2022:
Book is now available in German. French, Russian and Spanish translations are in the works.
​Get the book here: https://www.lulu.com/spotlight/JerryMarzinsky/
Spirit Releasement Therapy (A Technique Manual) Paperback – January 1, 1992
by William J. Baldwin (Author)
A brilliant, daring tour de force by one of the pioneers of spririt releasement therapy; Dr. Baldwin has painstakingly integrated an enormous range of techniques as well as much wisdom gleaned fro Past Life Therapy, spirirual releasement and inner child work and traditional psychotherapy. With his abundance of case studies, highly practical differential diagnsis outlines and theraprutic strategies, his book is invaluable as both a manual and a sourcebook. It also illumintaes the foggier boderlines between subpersonalities, ancestral spirits, multiples, possessing entities and past life selves. This is predicted to be referred to and argued about for years to come.
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Cracked: Why Psychiatry is Doing More Harm Than Good Paperback – 9 May 2013
by James Davies (Author)
Why is psychiatry such big business? Why are so many psychiatric drugs prescribed - 47 million antidepressant prescriptions in the UK alone last year - and why, without solid scientific justification, has the number of mental disorders risen from 106 in 1952 to 374 today?
The everyday sufferings and setbacks of life are now 'medicalised' into illnesses that require treatment - usually with highly profitable drugs. Psychological therapist James Davies uses his insider knowledge to illustrate for a general readership how psychiatry has put riches and medical status above patients' well-being. The charge sheet is damning: negative drug trials routinely buried; antidepressants that work no better than placebos; research regularly manipulated to produce positive results; doctors, seduced by huge pharmaceutical rewards, creating more disorders and prescribing more pills; and ethical, scientific and treatment flaws unscrupulously concealed by mass-marketing.
Cracked reveals for the first time the true human cost of an industry that, in the name of helping others, has actually been helping itself.
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The Vengeful Djinn -Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies
If you fear one thing in life, fear the djinn. This ground breaking book presents the findings of Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Philip J. Imbrogno's investigation into the powerful and mysterious interdimensional beings known as djinn or genies. It reveals what the djinn are, where they can be found--and their hidden agenda against the human race. Working with material compiled from a variety of sources--including their own case files, Middle Eastern lore, the Qur'an, teachings of Islamic scholars, and the latest theories in quantum physics--the authors explore the relationship between the djinn, demons, fairies, shadow people, and extraterrestrials. They discuss the military's interest in these clandestine beings, offer eyewitness accounts of modern human encounters with the djinn, and reveal the location of interdimensional entry points in North America.
Working with material compiled from a variety of sources—including their own case files, Middle Eastern lore, the Qur’an, teachings of Islamic scholars, and the latest theories in quantum physics—the authors explore the relationship between the djinn, demons, fairies, shadow people, and extraterrestrials. They discuss the military’s interest in these clandestine beings, offer eyewitness accounts of modern human encounters with the djinn, and reveal the location of interdimensional entry points in North America.
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CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE POSSESSION KIND - A Different Kind of Interference by Otherworldly Beings
In acknowledgment of his pioneering exploration of science and spirit in his groundbreaking work, Spirit Releasement Therapy: A Technique Manual, Dr. William J. Baldwin was honored with the 1994 Franklin Loehr Memorial Award by the International Association for New Science in Ft. Collins, Colorado. He has received other awards for lifetime achievement and contribution to the transpersonal field in the tradition of bridging Mind, Body, and Spirit. Now Dr. Baldwin further expands his fascinating explorations into consciousness and documents what many hundreds of clients have discovered in clinical session.
CE-Vl: Close Encounters of the Possession Kind catapults the reader into the many-layered realms of human consciousness and experience, revealing unwanted intrusions by alien "others." This kind of ET/UFO encounter appears to be nonphysical yet every bit as intrusive as the well-known abduction scenario. Addressing the heart of the matter, CE-Vl illuminatesa path for overcoming fear, and embracing the fresh, eternal, indestructible light of human freedom.
​Click the book cover for PDF version.
​​​Thirty Years Among The Dead: Complete and Unabridged -- Obsessions And "Curses" Removed Through The Work Of The Medium Mrs. Wickland (from Amazon.com)
A CLASSIC IN PARANORMAL RESEARCH AND ABNORMAL PSYCHOLOGY - Learn how a medical doctor and psychiatrist working in conjunction with a spiritualist medium cured many psychogenic abnormalities and removed obsessions and supposed “curses” from those among the living who were undergoing fits of mental suffering and physical maladies.
Click the book cover for PDF version.
HEAVEN AND HELL by Emanuel Swedenborg
What happens to us when we die? Are heaven and hell real? If so, what are they like? "Heaven and Hell" contains the answers to these questions as seen by Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772). Available for free in PDF format (click photo above). Also available on Amazon.com in paperback.
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​Dark Intrusions: An Investigation into the Paranormal Nature of Sleep Paralysis Experiences Paperback – November 4, 2009
by Louis Proud (Author), Colin Wilson (Foreword), David Hufford (Foreword
Since his late teens, Louis Proud has suffered from chronic sleep paralysis and has undergone hundreds of such episodes, many of them terrifying but ultimately transformational and eye-opening. These experiences, he believes, allow access to the "spirit realm" and could well hold the key to a whole host of paranormal phenomena, including poltergeist disturbances, out-of-body-experiences, mediumship, spirit possession, and succubi and incubi encounters. Drawing on the work of Colin Wilson, Joe Fisher, Stan Gooch, Whitley Strieber, Robert Monroe, Dion Fortune, and a number of other paranormal experts, Proud lucidly demonstrates that many sleep paralysis experiences involve genuine contact and communication with incorporeal entities, some of them parasitic and potentially dangerous. In this comprehensive, open-minded exploration of the sleep paralysis phenomenon, filled with fascinating descriptions of his own experiences, as well as those of others, no stone is left unturned as Proud attempts to get to the bottom of the mystery.
Also Available on Amazon.
Click on the image for PDF version.
Dylan Charles, Editor
Waking Times Article - January 24, 2018
Anxiety, depression, and fear ravage so many today, but few pause to consider that in addition to the material influences in our lives, we may be also under the influence of beings which exist in dimensions outside of our ordinary perception.
Operators and Things: The Inner Life of a Schizophrenic by Barbara O'Bien
Barbara O'Brien is a pseudonym for a woman who experienced a six-month psychotic break during the 1950s and wrote about it in Operators and Things, originally published in 1958. She was last heard from in 1976, when she wrote a new chapter entitled "The New Minority" for a paperback edition of the book. At the time, her author's biography read: "Barbara O'Brien is now fully recovered and lives outside Los Angeles, California."
Michael Maccoby, Ph.D., is a psychoanalyst and anthropologist globally recognized as an expert on leadership for his research, writing, and projects to improve organizations and work. He has authored or co-authored twelve books and consulted to companies, governments, the World Bank, unions, research and development centers and laboratories, universities, and orphanages in twenty-six countries. He lives in Washington, DC.
COLLEEN DELEGAN's first life was an advertising creative director. Her second life is a screenwriter, novelist, and television writer. She is hoping for a third and final life as a wealthy nomad. She currently lives in Chicago.
MELANIE VILLINES is a critically acclaimed novelist, playwright, screenwriter, television writer, and biographer. Born and raised in Chicago, she lives in Los Angeles.
Also available on Amazon ​
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Spiritual warfare revelation of a new-age deception by Philippe Besnard
This book is written for people of the new-age as well as for Christian desiring to understand the new-age mind. This is a personal account of my life story. I am exposing here the main ideas, belief system and intricacies making up the new-age philosophy which is rapidly becoming a new world religion. I am offering this book online free of charge because I believe in our Lord's command of : “freely ye received, freely give”, Matthews 10:08.
Philippe Besnard Website: https://pilgrim777.wordpress.com/
Click on book cover for PDF version.
Demons An Eyewitness Account by Howard O. Pittman
On August 3, 1979, the greatest miracle of this age happened to me. That day I suffered what appeared to be a physical death as the result of a sudden rupture of an internal artery. While physicians worked frantically on me in an emergency room, my spirit was separated from my body and taken into the spirit world where I was allowed to see many startling things.
The details of this experience were reported in some depth in my book entitled Placebo. One area I did not cover as fully as I would have liked is the portion that deals with the demons. For this purpose, I am writing this book. It is necessary for me to cover in detail all that I experienced and all that was revealed to me regarding the demons and their entire operations in this physical world.
It is not my intent to re-examine that portion of my experience which I related in depth in my first book but, rather, to cover in greater detail the activities of the demons in this present, physical world. This must be done so that the Christians might be forewarned and forearmed. I was allowed to experience this event so that you might know.
Howard Pittman website: http://www.howardpittman.com/
Also available on Amazon
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Learn powerful shamanic and psychological self help methods to transform or dispel any kind of curse. Any kind of persistent pernicious problem is a curse. Curses can range in intensity from uncomfortable, annoying irritations, to very serious, even life-threatening, problems. Curses can come from overly critical parents, siblings, teachers, bosses, peers, or unfortunate circumstances, as well as, from voodoo dolls and black magic.
Removing Curses gives step by step instructions for a variety of powerful methods to transform &/or dispel any kind of curse.
One small candle can dispel a lot of darkness,
The shamanic practices in this book act like floodlights!
When you apply these profound psychological, metaphysical and shamanic practices, you will be able to conquer any kind of curse.
Available here: https://www.feelfreefast.com/remove-your-curses-ebook-LP/
Rapid Entity Attachment Release(REAR) is a radical breakthrough and a multi-dimensional approach in producing swift and lasting relief in psychological and physical problems. This book is a manual for open-minded, professional therapists to assist their clients in gaining rapid relief from serious and debilitating psychosomatic conditions.
It demonstrates that by intervening in a client's energy levels, intrusive and well-concealed attached entities, which had contributed directly to the client's condition, may be exposed and addressed. Disorders such as epileptoid seizures, migraine fits, night terrors, phobias, obsessive compulsive behaviours, addictions, and other common ailments may be caused by well-concealed parasitical entities that drain the resources of their unsuspecting victims and hosts.
Presented as a lightning insight into alternate therapies, this manual demonstrates how electricity, acupuncture, hypnosis, past-life regression, and spirit release therapy, can be applied interactively.
Available at Amazon

“The Demonism of the Ages, Spirit Obsessions, Oriental and Occidental Occultism” is a fascinating treatise on the history of demonology and possessions, exploring cases from Ancient Greece to nineteenth-century Korea and beyond. This volume is highly recommended for those with an interest in demonology, and it would make for a fantastic addition to any collection. First published in 1904.
Also available at Amazon
The Eternal Ethers - A Theory of Everything by Douglas Gabriel
"[S]eemingly magical ethers are the component parts of creation that exist as the foundation of all space and are the eternal mechanisms that create life. [...] The spiritual scientific understanding of the ethers, given by Dr. Rudolf Steiner and refreshed and refined by Gabriel, brings the best of the ancient and modern together in a clearly understandable fashion and shows the connections between the ethers and the human etheric body. To truly see the ethers as a comprehensive theory that explains creation, destruction, and rebirth requires insight and spiritual scientific imagination that can create new icons that embody these fundamental forces that create the miracle of life." First published in 2017.
​Also available in Amazon
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
​There are two equal and opposite errors into which our race can fall about the devils. One is to disbelieve in their existence. The other is to believe, and to feel an excessive and unhealthy interest in them. They themselves are equally pleased by both errors and hail a materialist or a magician with the same delight. The sort of script which is used in this book can be very easily obtained by anyone who has once learned the knack; but ill disposed or excitable people who might make a bad use of it shall not learn it from me.
Readers are advised to remember that the devil is a liar. Not everything that Screwtape says should be assumed to be true even from his own angle. I have made no attempt to identify any of the human beings mentioned in the letters; but I think it very unlikely that the portraits, say, of Fr. Spike or the patient’s mother, are wholly just. There is wishful thinking in Hell as well as on Earth.
In conclusion, I ought to add that no effort has been made to clear up the chronology of the letters. Number XVII appears to have been composed before rationing became serious; but in general the diabolical method of dating seems to bear no relation to terrestrial time and I have not attempted to reproduce it. The history of the European War, except in so far as it happens now and then to impinge upon the spiritual condition of one human being, was obviously of no interest to Screwtape.
C. S. Lewis, Magdalen College, July 5, 1941
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Author : Peter R. Breggin, M.D.
Prozac, Xanax, Halcion, Haldol, Lithium. These psychiatric drugs--and dozens of other short-term "solutions"--are being prescribed by doctors across the country as a quick antidote to depression, panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and other psychiatric problems. But at what cost? In this searing, myth-shattering exposé, psychiatrist Peter R. Breggin, M.D., breaks through the hype and false promises surrounding the "New Psychiatry" and shows how dangerous, even potentially brain-damaging, many of its drugs and treatments are. He asserts that: psychiatric drugs are spreading an epidemic of long-term brain damage; mental "illnesses" like schizophrenia, depression, and anxiety disorder have never been proven to be genetic or even physical in origin, but are under the jurisdiction of medical doctors; millions of schoolchildren, housewives, elderly people, and others are labeled with medical diagnoses and treated with authoritarian interventions, rather than being patiently listened to, understood, and helped. Toxic Psychiatry sounds a passionate, much-needed wake-up call for everyone who plays a part, active or passive, in America's ever-increasing dependence on harmful psychiatric drugs.
Click on book cover for PDF version.

Author : John Mace
Causism: Discover the key to emotional health and well-being
Not only will the Causim's Mace Energy Method put you onto the path to emotional and psychological health, it will also eliminate the stress underlying many physical health problems, leading to a marked improvement in your general health and well-being. The effects are astounding!
The book presents readers with an understanding of the mind that will leave even the most skeptical with the feeling that something has been explained to them that they ought to have known!
In this compelling new book, John Mace describes the revolutionary concept of Causism and its practical component, the Mace Energy Method, and explains how the unknowingly created negative identities that influence our lives and prevent us attaining our goals can be located and dis-created.
Based on years of research and study, this simple but extraordinarily effective therapy will allow you to regain control of your life and find the real you. Not only can it put you on the path to emotional and psychological health and eliminate the stress that underlines many physical health problems, it can also lead to a marked improvement in your general health, well being and confidence.​
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