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INTRODUCTION BY JERRY MARZINSKY (testimonials are below):

If you are hearing voices, know that the psychiatric mafia is lying to you when they tell you these voices are hallucinations and there is no cure for schizophrenia.  They are also lying to you when they insist that there is no other treatment for schizophrenics other than their expensive, toxic, mind numbing medications.

If you are serious about wanting to get rid of the voices permanently and are willing to work and put forth the effort to do so, in many cases we can HELP YOU make that happen.  It is the voices that drive paranoid schizophrenia and not some mythical chemical imbalance, a proven scam that big pharma has come up with to sell their toxic drugs.  If the voices can be gotten rid of by any means all symptoms of paranoid schizophrenia vanish with them.

The voices schizophrenic's hear are very real.  They are not hallucinations as the psychiatric mafia insists.  The voices are energetic parasites which drain their victim of life energy after every attack.  They are not physical.  Nor are they caused by any physical malady.  Trying to get rid of them with drugs is akin to attempting to get rid of a magnetic field by pouring anti-psychotic medications on a magnet.

It is possible to get rid of these voices permanently in most cases without drugs.  Please see the testimonials below.


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That's a Lie Program

part 1 (free)


Our methods for eliminating the dark side entities (voices) are working.

If you have a testimonial you'd like to share, please send it to Jerry by clicking on the Contact Jerry button

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Thats a lie-3.jpeg

That's a Lie Program

part 2 (free)



Date: February 11, 2025

From: Donna

Hi Jerry.

I wrote to you couple years or so ago asking for your help with intrusive thoughts at the time and you put me onto the "it's a lie" program.

I also bought the book you wrote with Sherry.

Since then I listened to and watched many of your video interviews on YouTube and gained awareness of the MACE energy method.

I was fascinated and deeply interested having had a lot of disturbing trauma in my childhood which carried on into adulthood also.

After some deeply troubling and traumatic events in my life I began looking more into it and am happy to report that thanks to your endorsement of MACE I have just now today had my second foundation session with one of the UK practitioners.

I have felt like the most horrid , ghastly,life and energy draining energies? , entities? , have been extracted from me and off my life, mind and body.

It has felt nothing short of miraculous!

I lost count of the amount of times I said "wow" during sessions haha.

I have experienced shifts already since the first session.

I want you to know I am deeply grateful Jerry.

I feel so blessed to have had the benefit of your knowledge, experience and wisdom via the content you provide and the interviews you have done online.

Bless you and thank you always.

I can't wait for my next session next week haha.


Simply wonderful!


Much love and kindest regards.






Date: ~January 7, 2025

From: Veronica

Good Evening Jerry.


I just wanted to say thank you for the session today. I do feel lighter somehow and more relaxed. I haven't been able to exhale completely since all this started several years back. I know that I have a great deal of work to do still. But this was really very helpful.


With appreciation,






Date: January 5, 2025

From: Thomas

Dear Mr. Marzinsky,


I am getting back to you on your request to report on how I'm doing. The answer is very well. Our session was a real breakthrough for me, and I am reopened to my creative energies. I can understand that it is not my place to tell you my whole story. Suffice it to say I suffered severe schizophrenic episodes during my twenties that resulted in numerous hospitalizations. These episodes re-occurred at the beginning of 2018 and have lasted until very recently. During these past years, I have also been very creatively impulsed. I have a website that I make available. In a sense, it is my legacy to the universe and as I reach the edge of my 75th year, this website becomes my focus. I have recently dismantled it and have begun anew. Please browse and come back often. Here is a letter I sent to my anonymous mailing list which I sent after our session.

I am looking forward to more and more discovery.  
Thank you for all you help.





Date: January 5, 2025

From: Angela K

Hi Jerry


Happy New Year to you and your family.


 I wonder how big this year will be? Huge from what I understand astrologically….so I am excited to see what unfolds. 


Just checking in with you as you mentioned to drop you a line once I'd spoken or caught up with my brother, that we had just done some work on.


…..I went for my usual walk and thought I would give him a call to say Happy new Year etc….and usually the calls are very brief, not deep at all and aside from very quick update and the weather, (as from being off the land we (family) all still talk about the weather ) and then it’s all over within minutes…..anyway he was in good cheer and the conversation went for over ten minutes….lol most unusual. And he was asking me several times what I had been up to which I found quite amusing he was keeping the conversation going…..I then recalled the work we’d done in our last session and then realised there was now a difference happening and we were more aligned and open to each other's lives. So I am very grateful for that …see what unfolds next..thanks Jerry :-)


take care and I look forward to the next session…..

PS: I have also a sister that we stopped talking over ten years ago that I probably need to address as well Just by the way :-0 I haven't mentioned that before.

trusting in life 








Date: January 2, 2025

From: Diane

Riley was on 100mg each month by injection for the past 8 months.. his doctor  was very apprehensive,  Riley told him that he has had 40 lbs of weight gain drowsiness, mouth sores, drooling that he can’t take it another month at that dose.

They told him he’s not the doctor and just trying to determine his own dosage. I know enough about how the enemy works that he would want Riley to be a zombie like state so he can’t be effective in leading a normal life.

Today they lowered the dose to 75 mg….. and he wants to tell his doctor by May or June to lower it to 50 mg?

As far as your recommended reading material, he’s on it. He’s looking at all your website postings. We are doing Bible study every day reading Psalm 23 Psalm 91 attending Wednesday prayer meeting communion and church on Sunday.

Every Friday afternoon, we hand out Bible tracts with the Prayers 4 Preaching team… he’s able to share his testimony of what God has done in his life and Saturday afternoons, we hand out Bible tracts with the team and share our faith at the West Edmonton mall😊 every second Friday we go to the Hope Mission share testimonies and faith with the homeless where he had lived a year ago for two months so he understands where he came from and has love for those that are struggling as he was❤️🙏

I have seen a transformation in Riley this past six months like no other and I continue to pray and let Satan know that he can’t have my children, and I will fight on my knees until my last breath or until Jesus comes again!

Thank you,





Date: December 31, 2024

From: Judy

Hey Jerry, merry Christmas and happy new year to you. I hope you are having a good season. I want to tell you about something that happened. It was very interesting as a result of the Mace session we did. I realized on Christmas Day that I had absolutely no stress about how I spent my time whether I was lazy all day till my kids got here. All my life I’ve had this pressure to not waste time to be always performing to be always doing something and not wasting time But on Christmas morning, which would’ve been one of those days where I would’ve been anxious about sitting around waiting for my kids to come I was perfectly at peace. And I realize this had to do with the Mace session about my dad. That session released me from all my reactions to his demanding about how I use my time and what I ought and ought not be doing. Jerry it was simply amazing.

I start training with Sherrie after 13 January. I’m excited about getting going. Thanks for doing that mace session with me. It was a great breakthrough I had on Christmas.





Date: December 19, 2024

From:  Ben C.

Subject:  Booking an appointment

Hi Jerry ,

I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for the session a couple of weeks ago. I didn't realize how much stress I was holding onto. Prior to the appointment I was very aware of a sense of anxiety that I carried in my chest (it was palpable and ever present) , and after the appointment that was the first thing I noticed was that it had completely disappeared and it still is gone.


The first week after the session I was flying on cloud nine, since then I've resettled a bit but now I have a sense of peace within me. The stressors of the world don't eat at me the way they used to and I feel less reactive to things that would have irritated or triggered me in the past. For such a seemingly simple process it's shocking how effective it is, so I just wanted to give my thanks to you and wish you a happy holiday season.


I did have a question about training if you would have time to answer. Is the Causism Institute the only school for the Mace Method or are there others out there. I'm considering getting certified , I would love to be able to help people in my life the way you helped me. Even if I didn't get certified in your opinion do you think I would be able to become proficient enough by just reading John Mace's books or are there many other nuances to the process that would make official training more beneficial.

-Ben C





Date: November 25, 2024

From:  Ali

Subject:  Being attacked before speaking out

Hi Jerry, I just read your recent link from Ted Pike and it prompted me to tell you my experiences this year. I was preparing a talk on the unseen realms and how entities can affect your thinking and mind/emotional states including linking it to the external mind control across the globe from 2020.


I was also at the time printing out copies of the 23rd Psalm to give to others. I'd had trouble with the computer and in my busy life had earmarked a small window to go to the local library to print it out. I was just about to leave when I was emailed by 'Sanat', a computer technician to help me with an issue I'd had for a long time. If it wasn't for his name and the timing I probably would have put off the printing.


Anyway, that successfully done I continued putting the finishing touches to my talk which was scheduled for the next day online. All that night I was attacked by violent dreams of a man trying to stab me repeatedly. Next morning I was plagued by doubts and negative thoughts creating intense fear and anxieties right up to 5 minutes before the video call.  I'd been praying and reciting the 23rd Psalm right up to that time when I suddenly felt a deep peace come over me.


The talk went ahead and the people attending were deeply appreciative.  Since then I feel I've been doing my own research by paying attention to my experiences and those of others. I feel stronger since becoming aware of the 'voices' and from learning how to recognize them and deal with them but they are still hanging around especially in the area of my relationship with my partner.  I do get the impression that deeply loving relationships are a target and I have to work hardest to not believe the thoughts coming into my mind then, which happen most when we're apart.


Thanks for the work you do in speaking out.  I do believe this is the great awakening the world needs.


Love, Ali




Date: November 23, 2024

From: Steven

Subject: Demons and the elderly

My 91-year-old mother-in-law for her entire life was able to see spirits and interact with them. She instinctively knew which ones to avoid. She regularly attended church and was active in it's affairs.  However, as her age began to weigh on her, demons started attacking her. They first would appear as her late husband, but this demon, instead of being uplifting, had disturbing messages.  Soon, other passed-on relatives were annoying and perplexing her. She was becoming quite a problem. She'd get herself into dangerous situations and sometimes would be injured in falls. She'd be awake late at night yelling at the relentless onslaught of demons.  One even appeared as a cute puppy, trying to guide her into danger so she would hurt herself.  Looking in from the outside, many would think she was suffering from dementia. However, my wife can sense the presence of demons. Her mother needed help, and we tried something that few do not try or know about.  In prayer, we would ask Angels to take away the demon to the Grand Central Sun. Most don't know that when Lucifer's followers were cast down into the earth, many of the spirits were dragged down and enslaved by the more powerful spirits.  


When at the Grand Central Sun, they were freed and given the choice to abandon their misery as demons. This works very well; my wife could see them one by one as they manifested being whisked away. 90% would never return; however, a few hardcore demons would return, and we'd send them off again; some required up to 4 or 5 times to ensure they wouldn't return.  This works much better than "casting them out" or sending them into the abyss, from which they'd always return within hours or by the next day.  We also learned that the demons began to fear us.  It's been several months, and there are no longer any demons vexing my mother-in-law. Instead, her beloved passed-on friends and family visit and cheer her up.  She is in the end stages of life now, and she could pass on any day or in a month or two. But we were able to make her life more pleasant in her last days.




Date: November 17, 2023

From: Shota

Subject: Thanks for the podcasts!

Hi Jerry, I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my immense appreciation for your podcasts. To share a bit about myself, I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder about 14 years ago at the age of 21.  I also have an older brother with schizophrenia, so mental health challenges have been a significant part of my life.


I consider myself incredibly fortunate that my symptoms have largely subsided over time, though I can’t quite explain why. As you know, schizophrenia doesn’t just disappear. Today, I lead a fully functional and normal life with no hallucinations at all.


However, I do experience rare and brief relapses that completely turn my life upside-down when they occur.


Your discussions about schizophrenia being more than just hallucinations have been deeply reassuring and validating for me.


After my relapses, I can often remember fragments of those episodes, and it’s clear that there is so much more happening than just hallucinations. Your perspective has truly helped me stay grounded during challenging times. In fact, my psychiatrist has mentioned that he hasn’t encountered anyone quite like me, where the symptoms have completely disappeared.


If you’d ever be interested in learning more, I’d be happy to share my experiences or answer any questions. I currently work as a game developer and even created a video game inspired by schizophrenia. The story draws heavily from themes of religion, but the game was designed with a broad audience in mind, including players without direct experience of mental health challenges. It incorporates engaging gameplay mechanics to ensure it’s not only meaningful but also enjoyable to play.


Thank you for the work you do in shedding light on these complex experiences. It means more than words can say. Warm regards, Shota




Date: November 7, 2024

From: Sarah D.

Hi Jerry -


I’ve watched your interview with Mark Attwood more than once so far.  I’ve shared it with friends and family.


Your interview is BRILLIANT. THANK YOU.


I feel this information is so vital for humanity to learn!


It changes everything when we realize that thoughts are not being generated by our mind, and are available in all kinds of attitudes and beliefs that can appear to us as our own. 


I’ve done three Mace session with you and they are some of the most effective sessiona I have ever experienced.




HEY ALSO — WOW! TRUMP WON!  Now the serious work of clearing out the “possessed” ones will be done!


With love and appreciation,





Date: October 21, 2024

From: Sara

Hello, Jerry.


I have been so emotionally calm and not triggered since our session.  I have stalled contacting you thinking it was fake, but it's been a while now. 


I'm getting divorced and I couldn't talk with my husband.  I was afraid he would manipulate me back into our horrible marriage. I recently met with him, spoke, spent some time cleaning things out of our house - cried and argued at the end before I went him and went home and had a peaceful night. All that after working all day.  I could NEVER have done that prior.  I am grateful for your help and I will keep in mind that I can contact you for sessions in the future. I have recommended you to a friend who is warming to the idea of contacting you. 




Date: September 30, 2024

From: Markus



Strangely, it took me a bit of time to get you the update that you requested (at two weeks). Yes, it worked, I have been free of cigarettes since we talked. You had requested an update at two weeks and even though it is a little late, here it is.


I had not intended to request the two things that I did in our meeting. Both are things that were a problem in my life (cigarettes and a certain relationship) but I had intended to discuss pervasive negative thoughts, and things of that manner. Also, something you mentioned once in an interview about a rubber band. When you asked me what I wanted to discuss those two just popped out, and then we began. When in our meeting you had mentioned that “that has never happened before” I assumed that I might be imagining or creating in order to complete what you had instructed. It also crossed my mind that I was “forcing” it, or that I might be just playing along in my imagination and creating visual pictures to suit your requests. When you mentioned that my mind chose a cloud as a visual representation, I was a little more convinced that I must be forcing it.


Anyway, when we dealt with the cigarettes. A thought passed through my mind “darn, I didn't get to have a last cigarette and enjoy it.” Oddly, I felt like a child in a fabric tent with the bad things sitting on the outside of the tent but can be seen through their shadows from the sun. A feeling, as if I were to engage with the shadow outside, it would start all over again. It was also a visual that popped through my head multiple times over the course of this month. The other practitioners that have told you that cigarettes, were dropped like a rock, were correct. There is a bit of a feeling that I should not open the door to that again.


There is an emotional throb now and again that makes me think about cigarettes but, the emotional throb must have been previously mis-interpreted in my thoughts and appears to actually be my body pushing me to exercise, take a large breath, or engage more with life.


I think the cigarettes are gone.


I am gong to start a fast, something that I have found helpful and challenging in the past and mention it because I happen to read something on your website about fasting. I would tend to agree with the things that were mentioned about fasting but I had never made that conscious connection to fasting. I have fasted over longer periods of time, more than most people, with things people refer to as (they are a bit of a misnomer, but people understand the name), juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting. Oddly, I have done long fasts on water up to around 90 days. It was somewhere between 79 and 90 days, you get bored and forget during long fasts. I began doing them years ago about every five years or so after messing myself up good. I didn't start them for spiritual reasons but, it is very much a part of it once you begin. I only mention it, if it is interest to your research over all. Not too many people out there that started fasting without the intent for a spiritual reason.


I have the opportunity to speak with you again coming up soon and I look forward to it.


Thank you for your time.


Kindest Regards,





Date: August 1, 2024

From: Ayo

Subject: demonic possession. Voices come from real entities.

Good day, Seeing your interview om Bitchute about voices stemming from real entities I had to think of my own "possession" and paranoid state which lasted for about 2 years from the age of 20 to 22. I can confirm your notion that i.m.o. the entity that (partly) possessed me was indeed a foreign entity, with thought processes entirely different from my own.


It was a powerful spirit giving me sporadic telepathic powers and viewing from a distance or rather knowing what other people I knew were doing in other places. I called this entity the Tape Dancer because it controlled me via music and voices on the radio. The reason this being got such a strong hold on me was because I myself was attached to the powers it gave me. But these powers became more negative in time and I became a very scared/paranoid person.


But after some time I became angry instead of scared and I started challenging him/it. I must say alcohol helped me with that, by numbing my sensitivity (so later I had to fight to get rid of that addiction) and slowly the entity subsided and my paranoia disappeared. Thanks for the interview that confirmed to me that these entities/demons/spirits are real entities.


I have had other brief experiences with (negative and positive) non-material beings. I was surprised when Healer Warrior Tony said that every human has two guardian angels. I can confirm that. Although they are not visible in the normal sense I know they are light beings that live in the light. I haven't talked much with other people about these things. Most people would think I'm crazy but I can assure anyone that I have a sharp and critical mind and I know the difference between hallucinations, fantasies and the way a 'normal' critical mind works. The problem with words and material concepts is that they are open to interpretation and always dualistic.  If you want to ask me more about my "psychotic" period I'd be glad to answer them.


Cheers and greetings from the Netherlands.






Date: July 12, 2023

From: Luke

HI Jerry,


Just want to thank you again for the 3 sessions we had to date surpassing in results 30 years of cognitive therapy.


It still baffles me, being someone who wants to grasp intellectually what’s going on, how this therapy is straight to the point in dealing with these debilitating upsets.


And after each session there was a sense of freeing up, that felt almost strange but peaceful.

It still feels like a process of integrating my original self into life, overall, a tremendous growth, thank you again.


I listened to your talk with John Avery and think that this should be listened to by everyone.


Have a blessed day.





Date: June 27, 2024

From: Andrea

Hi Jerry,


It´s Andrea, from Spain.


At the end of our 2nd session you told me to write you a few lines about how I was doing.

Well...the 10 days after the sessions I had ups and downs...mostly at an energetic level. I must say that all the topics we worked on did result in a pleasant outcome.....I feel much lighter and more capable to face new shit that is coming at me.

Like a sudden burst into a so-called retroactive jealousy that got me out of the blue...I began to be obsessed by my girlfriend's sexual past...after a week or so I could regain control and work on it and calming down...but oh boy it felt like an attack. Reminding me that it is all a bunch of lies really helped me to calm down and get my center back.

I just finished watching the podcast with you and anon. Outstanding!! So many interesting infos.

The maze energy method really did work on me and I feel plenty of gratitude.


I'm looking for a practitioner in Spain or Latin America for my girlfriend as she doesn't speak English, but it seems there is none.


I am saving some money to be able in the near future to keep working with you and clear more shit out of me.

Meanwhile, I wish you all the best and once again I bless your work, your service to humanity and  your soul.


Hasta pronto!!




Date: June 2, 2024

From: Hilary

Dear Dr. Marzinsky,


I hope this message finds you well.  It turns out, being around three people who trigger me the most was not a big deal.  I was at ease.  No heightened breathing or anxiety at all.  


I had a feeling it was going to go that way.


This is amazing.  Thank you!!!  I think you will likely hear from some people I know who will want to work with you.


Looking forward to next session. We talked about working on old relationship stuff but I’m thinking the fears holding me back in owning a business.


Thanks again!








Date: May 23, 2024

From: Shayna H

Hi Jerry,

Thank you again for last Thursday's MACE sessions with me and John. We have both been experiencing lasting benefits that are pretty profound.

I would like to book another session for myself, as I feel I have a lot more material to get through. When is your next available slot for either a Thursday or Friday?

Thank you,





Date: May 22, 2024

From:  Stephanie S

Hi Jerry,

Thank you for your time yesterday.  I feel much lighter since our session and more positive energy.

Thank you for all the ways you’ve helped me.  Your influence on the world is truly invaluable - for all the lives you touch.  I know I am just one of many, but I truly appreciate it.  The insights of your work were a critical part of my journey and without them, I suspect I would be in a lot worse shape right now and still lost in many ways… to the dark side. 

So thank you so much for the insights, for MACE, and for setting me on a positive spiritual path.  Thank you for the influence you have had on my life!  It has truly been invaluable.

All my best,







Date:  May 7, 2024

From:  Conessa

Thank you! I have had such great success with my last session, the nagging addiction demon has left! I’m prone to want to become addicted to things as simple as energy drinks and it’s been so awesome staying in such a sober state of mind!! I feel like what you did saved our marriage truly! Thank you!  




Date: May 2, 2024

From: Lorraine

Thank you so much for all of the information you are putting out about 'schizophrenia'. Your referral to the causism website has worked out fantastically well for me. I had 3 sessions with a practitioner in the UK and the voices and 'hallucinations' have gone. I am now able to pick up the pieces of my life after 11 years of the worst experience of

my life and start again. Many blessings to you Jerry for all that you do.




Date: April 10, 2024

From: Kelly

Hi Jerry, Just a quick note to thank you for doing Owen Benjamin’s stream a little while ago. A close friend of mine and I talked about it for weeks on end. I found out about the Mace Energy Method from you and recently had a session with Janet Swain. It works, I feel like I can be the mom I want to be to my children and I have un-created those negative identities that have been plaguing me for a long time. Best Wishes, Kelly

Update 4-22-24: 


Hi Jerry,  I wanted to share with you that it's been one month today since I smoked any weed. That's pretty major considering I smoked weed for the first time in 6th grade. It's been my go to drug for as long as I can remember. Never ever thought I'd quit.

You weren't sure if MEM would help with that but we gave it a shot. So far so good. Haven't even had much of an inkling for it.  I'm feeling all around pretty well.  

I have a friend in Japan that I recommended MEM to. He's had sessions with Sherrie Hatfield and reports great success.

I will continue to spread the word about this wonderful method.

Thank you so much.

Kindest regards,






Date: April 3, 2024

From: Andres


Dr. Jerry, thank you. I don't know why today was the day I was introduced to you and your work, but I am grateful. I'll try to keep this short so as not to take too much of your time.


I was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic 12 years ago a few months after graduating high school, and the condition has followed me ever since. Sparing details there were many ups and downs. Over the years I weaned myself off of the medications, even lying to my Mom in order to do so. I recovered from the meds, and learned to suppress the voices and visuals.


I never really found any resources specifically to help me do so other than keeping "strong", facing them, seeing past them. It's been maybe 7 years of doing so, but I always knew there was something else to it, that they weren't just imaginary. It always felt like a presence, a psychical burden and weight on my neck and back, that I always kept to myself to avoid worrying my family.


They praise me for overcoming it all and they are proud that "I'm back."


Today I learned about you and saw the interview you did on Youtube, ep 139 with Pat Daly. It moved me to a level I've never felt before, with a certain knowing that "You Get It." I am grateful to have found your research and material and am working to dive into everything headfirst in order to remove these parasites. When I heard you call them that, I burst into tears and had a physical reaction of grief that I always suppressed. An aspect of myself or my spirit or something came out, something I don't even really feel too familiar with anymore. Reading Psalm 23 aloud has helped so far, and the parasites are rising to the surface again, except it's different now. It doesnt feel like I am merely suppressing, but actively combating them now. Funnily enough I train in Muay Thai, I knew the fortitude would help with schizophrenia and it has, especially now. So I'm writing to you now just to express my gratitude for your work and all you have done.


May God Bless You forever. This is more profound than I can express here and once again I am grateful for you, your work, and all you have done for us. Thank you for your time, I hope this message wasn't too long.


Thank you Andres






Date: March 25, 2024

From:  Michelle

Hi Jerry,


I just wanted to give you an update on my son, Christopher, whom you met with the year before last. It's been a long road, but after he worked with you, we were able to titrate him off the Abilify he was on, which CODAC would have kept him on for the rest of his life.


Last spring he stopped all recreational drugs as well and now has 10 months sober. He attends Celebrate Recovery meetings and stays close to God. He finished his Associate degree at Pima and now is in a trade program through Pima. He's also working a great job.


I can't thank you enough for the work you have done and are doing in continuing to get the word out about the truth. May God bless you and continue to guide you.


Warm Regards,





Date: March 12, 2024

From: Iris “Shadesofpurple” Glica

I decided to try Mace Energy Therapy after watching a podcast with Jerry as a guest. These sessions have been instrumental in the improvement my mental health. I’ve spent years trying a variety of medications and treatments that did nothing for me. The Mace sessions have gotten rid of trauma triggers that plagued me for decades. I’m now able to see traumatic events of the past differently. I use to have a rage within me because of these events but after therapy it’s no longer present. I can replay these events in my head and there is no affect. I wish I would have known about this sooner. Thank you Jerry! Your work is invaluable and these sessions have improved my quality of life.





Date:  March 8, 2024

From:  Gerry Pyves

Dear Jerry,


I wanted to write and thank you so much for all your great work. It is so great to have met someone with your psychiatric experience using a scientific mind to analyse what you were seeing. 


I found it resonated so much with my own clinical experiences, though I have not worked with the level of clients you have - my work is around basic anxiety and depression stemming from childhood or early adult trauma. Even so, many of the same patterns are recognisable.


It also resonated with my growing spiritual awareness of demonic influences over the years.


Truth matters and I have been confronting my clients with the unreality of their self destructive thoughts with the challenge: 

”Would you ever say this to a/your child?” 

And they go “No!” 

"So why not?”

"Because it’s a lie!”

"So why would you tell yoursellf a lie? What is the truth?”

From this point on they are taking charge of their own thoughts and the energy changes.


Your concepts of removing energy from these demonic forces is so apt. I feel clinically strengthened and inspired by what you say.


In TA we call it “checking out reality" from our Adult ego state and it has been used effectively to help people for more than 50 years since Berne started confronting psychiatric clients with their ability to CHOOSE to behave in an insane way or not.


Of course this is all very close to Victor Frankle’s “meaning and purpose” approach to psychoanalysis which has both spiritual resonance and truth resonance. That said, I TOTALLY agree with you that psychoanalysis has been part of the dark power since its inception! 


I will definitely get your book. 👍


I hope you can come back again to the WCH mind-panel and share more about MACE.


Best Wishes,

Gerry Pyves






Date:  March 7, 2024

From:  Barry Blakeley, Alaska

I cannot thank Jerry enough for his help to rid me of the effects of trauma from the past, some of which I had carried with me for nearly fifty years.


After a Mace Energy Method session with Jerry, I am completely at peace with myself and with my past. I am now a calm, keen observer of the world around me, and I am no longer tyrannized by the approval or disapproval of others. Also, my sleep is no longer invaded by anxious thoughts of the past or the future. This is the man I desired to become, and Jerry helped me achieve in one hour what I was unable to do for myself the past twelve years. I wholeheartedly recommend Jerry's services!




Date: July 15, 2023

From:  Angela Harris

Jerry, thank you for getting back to me.  I'm so excited to get to talk to you.  I have questions, and I am doing better than ever done in my life.  Ever!  Thank you from the bottom of my heart.








Date: May 21, 2023
From: Candid Ly after watching this video uploaded today on Jerry's channel:

I remember my spouse who had already been infested with at least one bully manipulator demonic coming to do some business and I could feel that cold icky sick electric energy Jerry mentions that aimed right at me and I was absolutely drained by it by the time he left 20 minutes later. I had no idea what had happened only that I felt debilitated the rest of the day- It wasn’t until I shortly afterwards found Jerry’s work that I realized what was going on and decided to prepare right away for any potential further encounters. I think they “heard” me because it’s never happened again. Thank you all for empowering us against these negative parasites!




Date:  December 10, 2022

From:  Mary

Hi Jerry,

I'm an avid listener of many different shows on various topics.  Your interview on David Zublick's show this week was one of the most insightful and encouraging interviews I have watched.  I am a survivor of clergy abuse amongst other things that I won't go into here ....

but heck your research and information resonated so much with me.  I too have worked with people experiencing mental health issues and often wondered about those voices.  You are helping me to connect some of the dots in general and especially for me personally.  Thank you for all you do.  I'm following from Australia.

Best regards,





Date: December 8, 2022

From: Ivana 

Subject: Schizophrenia


Dear Sherry  i would like to thank you for your work i got rid of visions after two years of disease 

Thank you so much for your work that is a lie program worked on my visions more than 23 psalm 


God bless you and happy coming holidays




Date:  December 4, 2022

From:  Liedo

Hello everybody!

My name is Ledio , 30 years old and I want to share my story with you.
I have been diagnosed with depression when I was 17 years old and later with schizophrenia according to the doctors.
I begin taking the medicine but they worsened my situation. So I interrupted them.  My mother didn’t want me to take the medicine. I begin to take them seven years ago , because I was not concentrated and I have very difficulties on doing eveyday’s things . But 2 years ago my situation became worse .I begin to hear voices and to see people. I was completed mad. I took  more medicine  than ever but no improvement. My aunt begin to search on internet about other ways of treatment. And by chance , six months ago , on July, found Jerry Marzinsky an american psychotherapist  , which helps  people diagnosed with schizophrenia not by medicine . Since five months I have been doing  session with dr. Jerry and the voices and faces have disappeared. My medicine are halved and I hope to continue like this and to cut them off.
I want to thank  God that show in my life a doctor and a man like Jerry Marzinsky that made possible  for me to see the light in the end of the tunnel.
I wish everybody that is suffering from this illness to have luck and to win this difficult battle that is a spiritual and not a physical battle,  like the doctors says.



The Psychiatric mafia insists drugs are the only way to treat schizophrenia.  This is a lie. Above is another FULL recovery testimonial using what has been learned about the voices coupled with the Mace Energy Method.  It is possible to fully recover.  The cure has little to do with the toxic drugs psychiatrists are pumping into these folks.  People are fully recovering with the Mace system if the are willing to put out the effort to do so.  J.M.




Date: October 15, 2022

From: Daniel C.

Great article, Sherry.  Since the voices are master manipulators and can often masquerade as "beings of love and light" to gain our trust, I have begun using a helpful mantra that's a variation of the "That's a Lie" program. When they attempt to use my words against me or manipulate me I say or think: "I stand for truth. You are a liar, voice.  Get out and stay out, now.  Sending you love." 


It has helped me tremendously. Stay strong, fellow voice hearers. 

You can see all comments on this post here:





Date 10/6/2022 5:09 p.m.

From:  Jake Millicow

I want to thank you again for the work you're doing. I have no words for the transformations I've been through this summer. Over and over again, the truth has become increasingly clear. I have looked back on my life, chapter by chapter, and put the pieces together. I only needed to make the connection between thoughts and voices; voices aren't always voices, and sometimes they aren't even thoughts with words. They're just beliefs that are there, feelings evoked, buttons pushed, things I always tried to ignore, things I thought were me, so there must be something wrong with me.


Everything I have discovered about my mental struggles growing up matches 100% with your descriptions. Nearly every point you make about them is something I have experienced. I am finally finding myself and discarding all the noise that I got lost in.


It's incredible to learn that this whole time, it wasn't me. I was never broken. It's incredible to learn that the entities responsible are completely predictable. It's more incredible to know that they are powerless without our energy. It's beautiful to discover that I have the upper hand. I can kick them out, little by little, once and for all. I now know that every doubt I have about that last sentence is a lie. "Happiness can never last very long. The pain always comes back again." That is a belief I now completely reject. I am now aware of their manipulation on deeper levels. They are sneaky. They had access to parts of my mind in ways I was blind to. They still might, but they are weakening.


It's nearly unbelievable to think that I've finally found an answer. Not just another puzzle piece, another healing pathway, another spiritual philosophy, or endless rumination that spins in circles in search of what's wrong with me. I never knew if there could actually be a solution that explains everything, but I think this does. I still have struggles. They still try to scream (not audibly; it's a feeling) at me and mess with my head. But now I know something I never knew before. It's not me. I have the tools now to hit back at them and keep my mind straight. Soon, they will have no choice but to leave.


I am so ready to write about all of this and share my experiences with the world. I don't yet know where to start. It might take years to put the whole picture into words and stories. It might take me a few weeks or months before I've even started, but I do intend to get back to you on this sooner or later.

Excuse the long email lol. This helps me organize my thoughts, and I just want to thank you for not only outlining this phenomenon so clearly and simply, which really solidified what I was slowly becoming aware, but for sharing it with the world. I have always had a passion for understanding schizophrenia and similar conditions. They have always fascinated me. Ever since I learned what it was, I felt like I could relate to it, even though I didn't think I had it. It was definitely not that severe in my case. That made the voices harder to recognize as something separate from myself, but it may have also protected me from getting involved with the psychiatric industry. Schizophrenia and psychosis appeared to me as a riddle, an enticing mystery that I wanted to understand and solve. I see people struggling with it, getting on medication, getting better, relapsing into psychosis, going back to the hospital, getting on different medication, having side effects, switching medications, going to the hospital, having psychosis, repeat. There must be a better way. It's all starting to make sense now. Just as the body can get parasites... so can the mind. It's that simple. I am very excited for the future to see this knowledge spread through the world. I would love nothing more than to see people believe in happiness again. To see people believe in love. To see people awaken from the lies they've been trapped inside. I think the work you're doing is huge. I think this is the beginning of a wonderful shift for humanity, and I hope to be a part of it as well.




Date 8-17-22

From: Bryan Campbell

, My name is Bryan Campbell and even though you and I haven't met personally (yet) I wanted to get in touch with you to let you know that you have very literally saved and now changed my life. My story is probably quite similar to many of the people you have worked with, but also a good bit different in other ways. I was someone who had very classic schizophrenia, with voices in my head speaking the exact words that you have heard and cataloged through the years. And very recently, I have been someone who has benefited tremendously from my first overtures of using the Mace Energy System to deal with the large number of negative identities that have plagued me for years.





Date 7-24-22

From: Keith W. via Facebook message


I thought I would tell you also that I think I've finally gotten the voices to permanently stop. Thank you so much for your [that's a lie] program. I'm going to give it another few months to make sure they are gone and then I'm going to look at getting off my medicine.  It took me about 9 months of doing the program all day everyday, but I think it's paying off.  I wish I would have found your material earlier.





June 1, 2022  3:16 PM


Hi Jerry,


Here is my testimonial. Please feel free to use in whole or in part as you see fit.


My son had been on anti-psychotic meds for over 6 years since he was 19 for diagnosis of schizophrenia. The last two years he was on injections of 400mg of Abilify a month. Although the medication quieted the "voices", it did not really quiet the thoughts. He did however, sleep much more (hypersomnia), gain a great deal of weight, start to shuffle when walking, and suffer from depression. He still wasn't able to hold a job or school, due to impulsive decision-making and terrible "self-talk".  I attended some of his bi-monthly sessions with his psychiatrist, but there was no therapy or remediation being done at all. I grew increasingly concerned with his physical health, which was not being monitored at all. When I brought up to his psychiatrist my concern that the medication side-effects might be causing his weight gain and other issues, she totally dismissed it and launched into a diatribe about "calories in, calories out'' for the remainder of the session (not even asking about his diet).


I knew he had to get off these medications, but that the underlying issues had to be addressed first. Finally, I stumbled on some video interviews of Jerry Marzinsky. He was describing my son's symptoms exactly. My son said he always knew that the "voices" weren't from him and were from outside, but neither of us realized that they were also the origin of the negative self-talk. Jerry graciously agreed to hold sessions with my son. After only a few short months of hard work and literally facing his demons, he is now able to work, has reduced his meds from 400mg/mo to 15mg a day and is so much happier and at peace with himself and those around him.


 The information Jerry shared with us was invaluable in educating us about the true nature and source of "the voices" and negative self-talk. He gave my son actual tools to use to learn how to combat them. The psychiatrists would have kept him on those horrible medications for the rest of his life. Everything they said was a lie. It is not an imbalance in the brain. It will not be with him forever. The voices were not hallucinations.The medical mafia literally tried to lock him up in a medically induced prison in his mind for the rest of his life with no chance for parole.


They never treated him as an individual or listened to hear what he was saying. He knew the truth all along. But it takes two to speak the truth: One to speak it and the other to hear. The indifference in the medical community to the truths my son was speaking is nothing short of criminal. Thankfully, Jerry, in his many years of practice, had the courage to hear the truth his many clients were speaking. In working so hard to understand the truth as it is, he was then able to develop proven methods and treatments to restore my son and so many others to health and wholeness.


 I am grateful to Jerry for working so hard to get the message out about his techniques. The medical community does not want us to know these truths. If a person can be treated within just months, that cuts deeply into the medical mafia's bottom line. My son's prescription was over $1,000 a month. Medicated, he still suffered, but in addition his health suffered too. Yet within only a few short months of courageous work with Jerry, he can now go on to live his life drug-free and free of the voices and negativity which plagued him for so many years.


May God bless Jerry in his David vs. Goliath attempts to bring these truths to the people against the barbaric medical establishment. His methods truly are a stone to the head of the medical mafia giant. I pray the armor of God he wears in the form of truth protects him and that the aim of his sling remains fast and true.



Michelle W




May 9, 2022 8:45 PM

Thank you very much Jerry,

A few observations after our session.  Firstly, it seemed to have cured my erectile Dysfunction.  For a couple years now I have struggled with ED but for a few days after the session I felt like I as in my prime again.  Another difference was my energy level. I experienced an unprecedented boost in energy.  The energy boost although temporary was not manic in any way, but I felt quite in control of the experience.  Right after we spoke I received independently 1) a job offer 2) A University award recognizing my achievements.  Possible coincidence but I'd consider it a pretty good result in just two hours!  It's possible that the release in negative energy is manifesting outwardly.


British Columbia




Tuesday, April 19, 2022

From:  Nicolina Karlberg

I discovered Jerry about half a year ago & his message about the voices in my head not coming from me resonated immediately.

I signed up for a consultation & have been meeting with him a few times every month to the point that I now have NO MORE VOICES in my head.

I started by applying the "That's a Lie Program" and that one works all the time for me.  We also did sessions utilizing the Mace application to remove emotional ridges I have had stuck in me, to release that stuck energy & to gain the energy back to me.   It has made me realize & understand that I have created all these ridges, all these emotional blockages and by hiding them or not looking at them they were there with me & got triggered by similar emotions.  I'm at the point today, waiting for another session with Jerry, that I feel almost totally removed of my ridges, at least the biggest ones.  I have taken my life back & I can now create the life for myself that is the best for me, without any hindrances from my emotional state.  I love Jerry Marzinsky.  He is my psychotherapist & he has helped me get rid of the voices in my head AND looks like he got rid of my alcohol addiction too!  I am forever grateful that I found him  & recommend anybody who hears voices in their head or anybody that has emotional trauma to contact him and get an appointment.  It's a pleasure to get healed.  It's a gift. 

Thank you Jerry

From Nicolina Karlberg

Simi Valley, California

April 19, 2022





March, 2022

From:  Keith W.

I just had the same thing happen to me.  I went from hearing all the awful voices to hearing virtually nothing.  I'm thankful for Jerry's work,  the help he has given me and the instructions on how to get rid of the voices.  I had to live with my voices for 8 years before I got rid of them.





Sent:  March, 2022

From:  Arshvir

Dear Jerry:

I am emailing to tell you the good news.  Your program worked, the voices have gone away completely and I am living life free of schizophrenia.  I have even quit my meds and the voices haven't come back and it's been a very long time.  This was all thanks to you and your teachings.  I can't thank you enough.  Finding your videos was a miracle and I knew it the moment I saw them.  No one understands our pain like you do.  Your sessions helped me keep it together when I needed it the most, it was worth the money ten times over.  Anyways, I wish you the best in life and good days for as long as you live.  I am very happy now and lead a productive life, its a complete 180 from suffering the pay of anti-psychotics everyday. Well wishes.



(Do not believe the psychiatric mafia when they tell you schizophrenia can't be cured.  They are all about selling toxic drugs, money and power.  They make no money on cures only the sale of their toxic drugs  - J.M.)





Semt: December 4, 2021

From: Kweb via email to Jerry Marzinsky

I thought I would update you and let you know that I got the entities kicked out for the most part. Went from hearing their chatter to hearing virtual nothing which is really nice. It's the first time I haven't heard the voices in about 8 years. Thank you so much for the work you do. 





Sent: December 3, 2021

From: AT via email

Dear Jerry, I am emailing to tell you good news. Your program worked, the voices have gone away completely and I am living life schizophrenia free, I have even quit my meds and they haven’t come back and its been a very long time. This was all thanks to you and your teachings, I cant thank you enough. Finding your videos was a miracle and I knew it the moment I saw them, no one understands our pain like you do. Your sessions really helped me keep it together when I needed it the most, it was worth the money 10 times over. Anyways, I wish you the best in life and good days for as you live. I am very happy now, and lead a productive life, its a complete 180 from suffering the pain of antipsychotics everyday. Well wishes.







Sent: October 6, 2021

From: George Jagatic via email

To whom it may concern,


Since I began to hear voices almost four years ago, I have found no better support than Jerry Marzinsky.  Jerry is incredibly knowledgeable about the voices through many years of direct contact experience working with those who hear voices.  After initially meeting Jerry and sharing with him the story of how my voices came about, I have had the privilege to work with him to uncover the techniques the voices use to undermine ones sense of self.


As a psychologist he demonstrated his skills in his ability to perceive the voices motivations and communicate those to me in a way that helped me to understand the function of what I was experiencing.  Understanding these techniques helped me to not only cope but to work against what the voices were trying to do.  One of the most important things that Jerry helped me to understand is how the voices lie about everything.  Their lies perpetuate a false reality that the voices want to use against you.  In his book, “An Amazing Journey Into the Psychotic Mind” Jerry Marzinsky and Sherry Swiney expose not only how the voices lie but how psychiatry is part of a larger lie regarding the treatment of schizophrenics.  It was this treatment that Jerry helped me to see that was so dangerous and wrought with horrible side effects.  A treatment that had less effect on the voices than the coping skills he was teaching me.


I highly recommend Jerry Marzinsky to not only those who might be experiencing voices themselves, but to others who may work with this population.  If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at the number listed below.


George Jagatic MS






Sent:  September 6, 2021

From:  Jeanine via email

After reading "An Amazing Journey into the Psychotic Mind"

Thank You for Your Work! You Helped Save My Life

Hi, Jerry! I don't know if I can find the words to express how grateful I am that I was sent one of your YouTube videos at a time when I was so deeply depressed that I didn't want to spend one more moment on this planet.


I couldn't eat much of anything, because I felt constantly sick and disgusted with myself and this world. I didn't understand why I felt constant terror and increasing paranoia to the point where I didn't want to leave my house. I had constant awful thoughts about myself and others, and I was either angry or depressed all the time.


I thought I was a burden and that the only way out was to exit this world, but I couldn't do that to my 11-year-old son. I knew that it would traumatize him, and I could not reconcile those warring thoughts. I had NO idea that negative entities could invade my thoughts without my detection and make me think those thoughts were my own, so I continued to feel worse and worse.


I knew I had to continue living even though the world had become Hell on Earth for me, because I had to prevent it from becoming Hell on Earth for my son. For the past year and a half, I had seen the world succumb to fear and mind control like I never knew possible,and yet I was unable to recognize the same patterns in my mind! I had suffered attacks by these entities unknowingly where my energy would be so drained, I didn't have the will to move from the couch or the bed for hours. I hated that my son saw me like that.


The last attack happened 2 1/2 weeks ago, and on that day, the entities were having an absolute field day. I got so low that I straight-up asked my fiance if I should "just do it" (end my life) because I "messed everything up". He just couldn't understand the horrific world I was in and was completely taken aback by the question, but he somehow found the words to help me keep going. That evening, I was sent your YouTube video titled "Demonic Possession of the MSM", and the similarities of what I was experiencing and what schizophrenics experience hit me hard. I knew this is what had been plaguing me.


Immediately, my life began to turn around. I kept listening to your YouTube videos, hearing more insights and gaining more tools to take my life back. I began meditating again (the negative entities had convinced me to stop by attacking me right after each meditation, causing me to feel anxiety and convincing me it wasn't working). I began saying the 23rd Psalm each time I noticed I was having negative thoughts,and I called out to God for help in silencing these thoughts and blocking the negative entities from influencing me or even detecting me. I bought a copy of your book and am implementing all the suggestions for silencing the voices.


Though I haven't heard audible voices, the negative thoughts in my head are very real, and I'm struggling to, as George Jagatic said, "maintain a sense of self" as I'm not sure how long these negative entities have been planting thoughts in my mind.


I'm 37 years old, and I have been through a divorce after being married over a decade, have had 2 abortions, put my 15-year-old cat down last year who was dying of cancer, and my relationship with my parents has been difficult my entire life. My self esteem is low, and I still have a pretty resigned outlook on life, though I believe I am being looked out for by God and my guardian angels.


I am looking forward to a time when I can enjoy life. Right now, I feel we are in such dark times that it's hard to imagine the future my son will have on this planet. I know those of us who don't go along with the mass psychosis this planet is experiencing will find ways to live in alignment with God. I am just tired and ready to go home. But I also believe I'm here for a reason, and so is my son, and until our time is up, we have to find ways to live a good life and be good people.


Thank you for reading this, and thank you for your decades of tireless work in exposing the negative entities to the light. I don't know how much more weight I would have lost not being able to eat and how much harder this struggle would be without knowing how these negative entities operate and how to deal with them. I will spread the word about your work and continue to donate to your cause. I will also continue to pray for your well-being, protection, and divine guidance. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


Sincerely, Jeanine





Sent: April 15, 2021

From: Steven Coleman via Hearing Voices Support Group

Update one the young lady diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia:  

She no longer hears the tormenting and intruding voices. She used the "It's a lie program" and also simply ignored them. The voices faded away.

But I new issue appears that she finds bewildering. She can now clearly hear the thoughts of people around her.





Sent: March 13, 2021

From: Stephen Coleman via Hearing Voices Group - with permission to publish

Case: Woman, 35 diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia. Sue (not her real name)

Sue has been in and out of mental hospitals for the last 10 years and is currently on medications living off and on with her mother or with her mother-in-law, who have little patience with her condition.

Sue came to me asking for help.  She had no money to pay, so I took on her case pro bono. She complained that the medications are ruining her short-term memory, making it difficult for her to function in society.

I explained to Sue that the voices are not hers.  She had some hesitancy to accept this, saying "but it sounds, just like my own voice".

I explained that the voices will strongly oppose this. They will tell her not to listen to me, that I'm crazy and full of it. They may even tell her to harm me. However, we worked via Facebook Messenger, though she lives within walking distance from my office.

Her voices were not the insulting type, They instead intruded into her thoughts, then take over and run with them. This created total confusion and bizarre behavior on her part.

She reluctantly started ignoring the voices and over the course of a month, the voices began to weaken and were less prominent. Though she complained to me that the sessions were doing her no good and she wanted to quit on a number of occasions. I explained that the voices wanted her to quit, that those feelings are not her.

I generally worked with her for about 10 to 15 minutes daily. It was difficult getting non-bizarre answers from her. During one of these short sessions, I forgot to ask for protection against her demons and was attacked over the internet. I suddenly became depressed and found myself considering suicide. My normal thought processes were confused and jumbled. Meanwhile, I was thinking my feelings are not making sense. I never get depressed.

It took me about 3 hours to fight them off, However, during this attack, a friend messaged me and the demons also found her. She suddenly became depressed and aimlessly walked the streets until late at night. At this time it didn't occur to me what was happening to her. She was behaving very differently and she even "felt different" to me, like it was somebody else that hacked her Facebook account. She was picking fights with me, which is something she never does.

I was finally able to get her to listen telling my friend that the feelings are not her own. Immediately her depression was gone and I felt that she was now back to normal. We both came out of this experience stronger, though it was not fun.

Sue has elected to stop having sessions, but she is now experiencing a huge improvement and feels strong enough to continue on her own.

I check up on her from time to time just to be sure she is continuing on the "Its a Lie Program".





Sent:  March 6, 2021

From: Rob via email 

Subject: Voices and current medical solutions 

Hey Jerry, I'm a friend of Mike; he turned me on to your book. Nice job by the way and I found it to be quite helpful. I am a film maker and all my life I've been able to visualize cool stuff. this has always come in handy in my work and day to day. A couple of years ago I started experiencing GMS's  [Grand Mal Seizures]. For the sake of my wife and kids I allowed the medical society to experiment on me. After many tests and being pumped full of barium for and MRI. The closest I got to a diagnosis was that I had Moiyra Moiyra, or "Puff of Smoke" at the Brain Stem. I was proscribed a slew drugs and told that I'd likely have to have surgery to reroute blood vessels. The first round of med's, had the "may want to commit suicide label" and when I saw the Dr. and told him that I didn't feel suicidal; perhaps a bit homicidal, he immediately determined that I should try a different med. I could not fathom allowing to have surgery on my brain; so I went along with the Dr. who prescribed all kinds of drugs that, granted my seizures went away, but my mind was so dulled that I could not even remember my middle name or how to spell it. I think where the negative entities really started to attack was when I secretly stopped all medications about a year ago. Having been gone for almost 3 years; it feels great to be back. However the last year has been quite a struggle and the withdrawal was severe to say the least.


Your book was helpful in that I've learned to tell the voice to shut the Fuck Up. I spend many Hours in the Sun, I pray regularly to my creator for the Armor, Shield and Sword of God to protect me. I smoke marijuana. I am still a work in progress, but I have completely restarted my career focusing on Acting and am having some success. My colleagues are quite amazed that I came out the other side and am once again functioning. A lot of my memories were seemingly erased, but with focus and hard work I am recovering. I guess the biggest upside is that I have a whole lot of open brain space to refill and I have the choice of refilling it with good and discarding the worthless. I now feel that I still need to be aware and on guard but am in a much better place to tell the psychic vampires to kiss my ass... My buddy Mike asked that I contact you and as I recover my lost intellect I am ever more confident to speak on the subject. If interested Mike has my contact info. Thanks Rob






Sent:  March 10, 2021

From: Annah via email



Subject: The voices and emotional flashbacks


Dear Jerry, I have binge-watched your videos at LBRY. The last half year has been eye opening to me. The practical use of Zen, back to meditation 2x a day. And lately your videos. Until 6 years ago I was married to a homophobic, verbal abuse, passive aggressive narcissist, probably gay, probably hearing voices. Before that parents sharing the same pathology. The road to healing has been long, I am a psychologist(school and children). I have first now understood the impact of CPTSD and emotional flashbacks on my health. The flashbacks are energy attacks, real heavy bad ones. All the psychology I have learned is out the drain. Healing is possible. Sharing these few sentences are a further step for me to both heal and deal with the damage done to me.





Sent:  January 27, 2021

From:  Anonymous via email to Jerry

Dear Jerry: I have just found about your work. I decide to write you to thank you. You have brought to light some very important facts I was missing in my own discovery. Your info have been godsend. As you mention in most of your videos, I too, got to the point of realizing that my thoughts are not always mine! I feel so connected with your work, because your phrasing is the same I used to explain what was happening in my mind although in Spanish. Being a catholic, it was easy to me to use a method of dealing with it, with great results. But now, with your insights, you have completed much of the puzzle... I now understand a little bit better. I have a few stories to share that you might find interesting. I thank you again for your work and effort. God bless you.




Sent: December 17, 2020

From: Jeri Hurley comment on

“That's a Lie” program really works. Anyone experiencing the voices will benefit from this practice if done on a regular basis. Highly recommend.




Sent: October 11, 2020

From: dks429 comment on

The voices come in many forms.  My voices tricked me into a lifetime of odd, gambling, drinking. I found jerry on c2cam. Forced myself to try marijuana. The bad memory turned from a campfire into a burnt outmatch. Voices wouldn't let me do pot or go to church. Listen to jerry.  I could build a fence in my mind then pot built it bigger.  Jerry, you got 3 out of 4 numbers to the combination open this door.  God removes his protective hedge for his strongest soldiers will be on the front line. JOB




Sent: August 14, 2020

From: Sebastian via email

Dear Mr. Marzinsky, I just felt the need to write to you and tell you what the latest interviews you gave kick-started in me. It s strange and I will not bore you with my life story. The last months were hell for me and I drank and drank in order to forget. It didn't work.   


So I listened to a german Professor named Franz Ruppert who says that the most we experience as disease is trauma-based (e.g. the video Trauma is not logic on youtube in English) I couldn't stop listening and thinking what I could do. Then somehow I remembered listening to your Interviews months ago, so started listening and all of a sudden I saw that my thoughts are almost negative and that I m without any energy and feeling depressed. I found it hard to believe that spirits are real but I remembered one shaman from Southamerica with whom I made a consultation with told me that s so important to connect with people and to meditate because home alone there is just you and your demons. I thought I have none.


Well 2 days ago it was so heavy I woke up with a hangover and felt like going nuts. So all day I listened to your interviews, tried to understand, prayed for help of my angels, and my ancestors. And now I feel much better and so far no urge to drink anymore and don t know why. Strange it's so strange and so interesting this whole topic. So Mr. Marzinsky I really want to thank you for your Interviews from the depth of my heart.
Kind regards Sebastian




Sent: July 11, 2020

From:  Cindy Snow responding to James Bartley |Jerry Marzinsky 5-29-18 Behind the Dark Thoughts Part 1

Hi Sherry, I just want you to know that "that is a lie" worked very well. Unfortunately, I am under heavy-duty psychic attacks. Every time the demon comes at me ---- he's also done this in my dreams, I started calling him an idiot and that's a lie. Then everything goes quiet for a few days. Recently, I was writing and started feeling very anxious and upset ---- a thought entered my mind about a particular situation and it's being blown out of portion in my mind. I stopped myself, and said, "this is not your thoughts and if shit hits the fan, well you can handle it very well...". I said, "fuck off and it's a lie. Wow, how dumb can you be". The thought and anxious feeling dissipated and I felt great again. Thank you does work!




Sent: April 11, 2020

From: Email to Jerry Marzinsky

Jerry, FYI, I mentioned you on a show recently and spoke about schizophrenia.

BTW that teenager I had do the That's a Lie achieved a remission,  even from negative symptoms. What a wonderful technique! Thanks

Andrew R. Kaufman, M.D.

The show Dr. Kaufman refers to above is located at

If the youtube link has been deleted, the show can still be found at




Sent: February 16, 2020

​From: Ramstein via Facebook messenger


Hi Jerry, I don’t want to bother you but give you thanks. I am not good at grammar, but have been recorded over 140 IQ and can’t spell.  My thanks come from fighting voices my whole life. I couldn’t drive down the highway without letting go of my steering wheel when I passed on-coming cars.  The voices would tell me to turn in on-coming lane.  I didn’t think I had the strength not to run head-on into another car.  The chatter inside my head pointed to other problems, such as I need drive back home check stove was off, plus tons of other killing thoughts.  I had voices go external when I was 26.  I broke down and went to the doctor.  Just like you said, the voices wouldn’t let me go.  Suicide was a better option than going to the doctor.  I went on pills for 2 months.   

The voices just switched like a tag-team wrestling a massive drunk every day, plus every penny I had gone to gambling.  I was single lost everything: my house, everything.  The worst was to sit on the floor and not understand what going on.  I lost work – a full-time job for 31 yrs now all gone.   I started to research archons then I found you.  Now I understand a new way to think.  

The weirdest thing happens.  My brain went completely quiet.  It almost hurt.  In 2019 I was gamble free.  The night I watched your show something happen.  I think I was so close to figuring it out, but you gave me the last combination.  You explained everything.  An old memory keeps flashing in my head.  I am now getting overwhelmed with old thoughts but the voices are still gone.  I think I should shut the door on bad memories (I think that’s demons food to get back in my head).  

As for the LGBT community, I think are these Demons.  I know gambling clearly is.  The thoughts are so strong you can’t win until you understand they are not your thoughts.  Can you please think about this?  LGBT’s gays, everything, just study that running guy on TV.  He is possessed.  OK, one more side-thought.  If the world is a computer program and we were made to live in perfect peace, they are not Demons then they hacked in and put a virus in us.




Sent: August 19, 2019

From Facebook messenger


Yes, I also have schizoaffective and had experimented with ouija boards "for fun" didn't really believe in them. Maybe this allowed them to enter. The meds stop the physical effects of it now but I have anhedonia, lack of motivation and apathy. I used to have my eyes directed to disgusting things I won't go into, and they would move my head, arms, legs, everything.  Thankfully, the meds stop all that but if I stop them it all comes back again. I guess I should be grateful for the meds working. They would also thought-insert things into my head, the most disgusting and Satanic stuff .... all that has stopped now and I use the "that's a lie" programme yourself and Sherry speaks of. <3 

Anhedonia: Loss of the capacity to experience pleasure. The inability to gain pleasure from normally pleasurable experiences. Anhedonia is a core clinical feature of depression, schizophrenia, and some other mental illnesses.




Sent: January 27, 2019
From Facebook messenger
I wanted to thank you. Your technique was vital. I am teaching the technique to an old girlfriend who is really caught up in some deep lies about her self-worth and she is manifesting a lot of illnesses from her depression/anxiety/manic states. She is a bible-based Christian, and I just try to tweak the wording or the labels so there is alignment with her beliefs. She resisted my help before because she thought it was too "New Age," but I am "bridging" it all for her and she is being more receptive. I can only give her the how-to's of the That's a Lie program, and hope she starts learning to manage her thoughts better. Again, I thank you. And I hope you do publish, and I will do everything I can to share awareness and refer those in need to get a copy of your book.




Sent: June 20, 2019

From Facebook messenger

I am so grateful to hear your u tube interview on Nightflight .....there is such a resonance for me as I have a traumatic life history which started in childhood ....I feel as though I have been under attack my whole life since the childhood.....I have started saying ....That's a lie to the negative programmes..which have resulted in my chronic health conditions ...this is like a lighthouse in a storm ..thankyou thank you





Sent: April 16, 2019

From Facebook page

Hello, I just wanted to let you know, I learned about you through your story on one of the OffTheLeftEye youtube episodes. I've been watching their videos for the past few months and it has really been the only thing to give me a new hope in life and in God. But when I heard the episode you were in and heard you talk about your encounter with the evil spirit, it changed everything. I immediately wrote "that's a lie" on my hand. It was such a relief to hear that the thoughts in my head were not mine!! I've heard that before in the past but I guess it didn't sink in or I didn't believe it or something. Somehow, your story along with that whole episode made sense and I got it!! I so hope I never forget this!!! Thank you so much for your part in that. It made all the difference.






​Sent: March 31, 2019

From the "That's A Lie" program

Before I applied “that’s a lie” to my thought process I was literally consumed with voices, at their worse it sounded like millions of them at a time…That was approx..11 months ago, going back 8 yrs!
So a Facebook friend shared this link and I, with nothing to lose came here. I started and within two to 5 mins they began to was weird, it was sooo simple! So I went to bed, woke up but there were no voices (they always woke me up) I waited and waited and then I burst out into tears…AMAZING! For the first time in 8 yrs I didn’t have to listen to >>>all those lies! They weren’t just lies…They were by far the most disgusting insults you can imagine! They would scream and yell and gang up on me…Man they HATED me for whatever reason!
So I was thrilled! This technique needs to be done not once or twice but as many times as necessary, whenever you hear any negative thought and it is indeed a lie just simple say, whether internal or external, “that’s a lie!” and send that voice some love, they flee from that sort of thing! That’s what I did and here I sit happy as a clam…thrilled with this new lease on life…it’s soo quiet here, Thank you Sherry!​





Sent: December 19, 2018

From the "That's A Lie" program

I also came across the book erroneous zones It was something I picked up randomly at a thrift store I opened it read a few sentences and thought this is gold. The sad part is I was hearing lots of voices and I received a feeling that I should get rid if this book! So I did … I was also thinking about the origin of thoughts during this time, if I had known that they were demons I would have kept the book. So I an at the other end of the spectrum where everything went wrong, I wonder what would happen if I kept to the ideas in erroneous zones. I was experiencing multiple voices, all from whom I thought were people that I knew. They were negative and kept bringing up events from a long time ago. I had an episode that seemed like schizophrenia, had suicidal thoughts and ended up in the hospital. Once I got out I did a follow up and was prescribed anti-psychotics. I experienced akathesia, the worst feeling in the world I wanted to die. At that time I didn't even know what akathesia was. 4 years later I learned that it is a bad side affect that had to be treated right away, I was prescribed a muscle relaxant to get rid of the akathesia I was experiencing. I also gained 60 pounds. What I am disappointed with is that the doctors never told me of symptoms I would experience. I decided to cut my medication after successfully treating my voices I was overwhelmed with the weight gained and wanted to just believe in my self and know I was going to be alright. So the idea that negative thoughts and voices were demons happened when I tried legal recreational weed. I came out of a high having experiencing my thoughts just flow (coincidence since the strain was called flo) and realized it was not me these thoughts cane from nowhere. I now only experience voices when I sleep (coincidence right, just good timing for the entities) medication helps so I am not stopping. I have seen myself change when I try to be mindful and give less attention to these negative thoughts I feel free. I agree with everything you’re saying, I am just amazed, especially with the synchronicity about the book. I see the synchronicity to, I will do my best to respect others and myself. Also to always love myself and try to fulfill goals and dreams, I wish you Good luck. God bless.





Sent: December 11, 2018 9:51 AM

From Facebook page

Good morning Sherry, I just wanted to share this ongoing conversation I have been having with you in my head for the last week or so. It's been 9 months since i began "that's a lie" and I can safely say that it works every time. At first I thought it was a 'cure-all" and I'd be done with the Archons, but now I realize that this will be an ongoing battle for me. For what ever reasons these Archons feel it is in their best interest to invest such an enormous amount of resources in little ole' me is anyone's guess. You have essentially gifted me> armor, shields, padding ??? whatever it is, I feel safely removed from their ongoing assaults. I feel like I am in a safe place where they really can't get to me, but they are always trying...always! It's like they are smashing at the windows trying to get in, but they can't! Before you entered in my life I thought I was mentally ill. I was trapped in hell being tortured by millions of Archons ie. 50,000+ hrs or 3 million minutes, If you ever wonder why I never stop thanking you it is because of this. Tears are dripping from my eyes right now like they do whenever I really think about you and this...Well you a great day Sherry





Sent: June 6, 2018

From the  “That’s a Lie” Program

These articles speak to me, and could help so many people.  You know those annoying, destructive negative thoughts that pop into your head from seemingly nowhere?  (Yes, I know that sending Universal Love to the Archons that are attacking psychically is a good way to make them go away, but it is not always easy to summon when you are in the throws of an attack.)
The 'It's a Lie' program is going to help me so much.  It is so simple, so elegant.  
This is reblogged with permission, below my comments.  If you know of anyone with issues hearing voices, please forward this to them. 





Sent: Tuesday, October 30, 2018 8:51:05 AM
From Facebook page 
Hi, I commented on your talk with Marc Gray on YouTube, and told you I was applying the It's a Lie methods. My 26 yo son has been complying with meds, but they weren't working - he was getting worse and worse. (police reports, he made statement he wanted to kill me, destroyed things, kicked holes in walls) What made me suspect there was something "outside of him," was that his nature as a child and younger teen was so mellow and kind. He was struck with it at 19, and I think he smoked Spice and that opened a door, but then before I got pregnant , his father and I played with a Ouija Board, so who knows. I didn't have schizophrenia but I had deep depression , off and on, and I was freed from it by studying a New Thought teacher, Abraham-Hicks, which never conflicted at all with my love of Christ. I cannot even tell you the HUGE RELIEF I saw in my son's face, demeanor and tone of voice, when I apologized to him and said, "Son, I am so sorry that you were all alone and nobody understood what you were going through. I believe you that it is real and not just your imagination ... I found something online that I think can help us." I told him how you compared them to energy vampires and he was like "Exactly!" You have to understand that he had recently been calling me horrible names and saying horrible things -- very vile. He had no respect towards me at all , when he was having an episode. (Episodes were like 70 percent and 30 percent was my REAL son.) I told him about saying ITS A LIE and not engaging. I warned him how they will test him. I explained the "Starving them." Day 4 since I shared the ideas and techniques and I've seen a difference. He has been 100 percent my REAL son, for an entire four days SOLID.





Sent: Sunday, July 1, 2018 12:24:18 PM
From Facebook messenger
First message: 
OMG you are amazing! 59 days ago I applied your "that's a lie" technique to my very demonic voices and in two minutes...poof they were gone and haven't returned. Two mths later I am still celebrating. It is soo quiet in my head, Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Ps. At their worst there were millions of voices, you saved me from a very nasty hell. xoxo
Second message: 
Unreal Sherry...Thanks. I have shared your website no less than 100 times since then. I was being tortured for over 3 million minutes. They hated me! thanks again
Third message: 
Sherry, When I applied that technique they left in less than two mins. The next morning they returned in a weakened state. That's when I summed every ounce of love in me and that was it, I literally Loved them into non-existence. It was at this time I realized that I received two gifts. One is a shield (That's a lie) and the other is a sword ( Love) These two "tools" are what you really gave me. Crazy now as I speak tears of joy fall from my a great day.

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